package validator_test import ( "fmt" "reflect" "testing" "time" "" . "" ) // NOTES: // - Run "go test" to run tests // - Run "gocov test | gocov report" to report on test converage by file // - Run "gocov test | gocov annotate -" to report on all code and functions, those ,marked with "MISS" were never called type I interface { Foo() string } type Impl struct { F string `validate:"len=3"` } func (i *Impl) Foo() string { return i.F } type SubTest struct { Test string `validate:"required"` } type TestInterface struct { Iface I } type TestString struct { BlankTag string `validate:""` Required string `validate:"required"` Len string `validate:"len=10"` Min string `validate:"min=1"` Max string `validate:"max=10"` MinMax string `validate:"min=1,max=10"` Lt string `validate:"lt=10"` Lte string `validate:"lte=10"` Gt string `validate:"gt=10"` Gte string `validate:"gte=10"` OmitEmpty string `validate:"omitempty,min=1,max=10"` Sub *SubTest SubIgnore *SubTest `validate:"-"` Anonymous struct { A string `validate:"required"` } Iface I } type TestInt32 struct { Required int `validate:"required"` Len int `validate:"len=10"` Min int `validate:"min=1"` Max int `validate:"max=10"` MinMax int `validate:"min=1,max=10"` Lt int `validate:"lt=10"` Lte int `validate:"lte=10"` Gt int `validate:"gt=10"` Gte int `validate:"gte=10"` OmitEmpty int `validate:"omitempty,min=1,max=10"` } type TestUint64 struct { Required uint64 `validate:"required"` Len uint64 `validate:"len=10"` Min uint64 `validate:"min=1"` Max uint64 `validate:"max=10"` MinMax uint64 `validate:"min=1,max=10"` OmitEmpty uint64 `validate:"omitempty,min=1,max=10"` } type TestFloat64 struct { Required float64 `validate:"required"` Len float64 `validate:"len=10"` Min float64 `validate:"min=1"` Max float64 `validate:"max=10"` MinMax float64 `validate:"min=1,max=10"` Lte float64 `validate:"lte=10"` OmitEmpty float64 `validate:"omitempty,min=1,max=10"` } type TestSlice struct { Required []int `validate:"required"` Len []int `validate:"len=10"` Min []int `validate:"min=1"` Max []int `validate:"max=10"` MinMax []int `validate:"min=1,max=10"` OmitEmpty []int `validate:"omitempty,min=1,max=10"` } func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) } type MySuite struct{} var _ = Suite(&MySuite{}) var validate *validator.Validate = validator.New("validate", validator.BakedInValidators) func AssetStruct(s *validator.StructErrors, structFieldName string, expectedStructName string, c *C) *validator.StructErrors { val, ok := s.StructErrors[structFieldName] c.Assert(ok, Equals, true) c.Assert(val, NotNil) c.Assert(val.Struct, Equals, expectedStructName) return val } func AssertFieldError(s *validator.StructErrors, field string, expectedTag string, c *C) { val, ok := s.Errors[field] c.Assert(ok, Equals, true) c.Assert(val, NotNil) c.Assert(val.Field, Equals, field) c.Assert(val.Tag, Equals, expectedTag) } func AssertMapFieldError(s map[string]*validator.FieldError, field string, expectedTag string, c *C) { val, ok := s[field] c.Assert(ok, Equals, true) c.Assert(val, NotNil) c.Assert(val.Field, Equals, field) c.Assert(val.Tag, Equals, expectedTag) } func newValidatorFunc(val interface{}, current interface{}, field interface{}, param string) bool { return true } func isEqualFunc(val interface{}, current interface{}, field interface{}, param string) bool { return current.(string) == field.(string) } func (ms *MySuite) TestExcludesRuneValidation(c *C) { s := "a☺b☻c☹d" s2 := "abcd" err := validate.Field(s, "excludesrune=☻") c.Assert(err, NotNil) err = validate.Field(s2, "excludesrune=☻") c.Assert(err, IsNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestExcludesAllValidation(c *C) { s := "abcd@!jfk" s2 := "abcdefg" err := validate.Field(s, "excludesall=@!{}[]") c.Assert(err, NotNil) err = validate.Field(s2, "excludesall=@!{}[]") c.Assert(err, IsNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestExcludesValidation(c *C) { s := "abcd@!jfk" err := validate.Field(s, "excludes=@") c.Assert(err, NotNil) err = validate.Field(s, "excludes=q") c.Assert(err, IsNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestContainsRuneValidation(c *C) { s := "a☺b☻c☹d" s2 := "abcd" err := validate.Field(s, "containsrune=☻") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(s2, "containsrune=☻") c.Assert(err, NotNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestContainsAnyValidation(c *C) { s := "abcd@!jfk" s2 := "abcdefg" err := validate.Field(s, "containsany=@!{}[]") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(s2, "containsany=@!{}[]") c.Assert(err, NotNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestContainsValidation(c *C) { s := "abcd@!jfk" err := validate.Field(s, "contains=@") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(s, "contains=q") c.Assert(err, NotNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestIsNeFieldValidation(c *C) { var j uint64 var k float64 s := "abcd" i := 1 j = 1 k = 1.543 arr := []string{"test"} now := time.Now().UTC() var j2 uint64 var k2 float64 s2 := "abcdef" i2 := 3 j2 = 2 k2 = 1.5434456 arr2 := []string{"test", "test2"} arr3 := []string{"test"} now2 := now err := validate.FieldWithValue(s, s2, "nefield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(i2, i, "nefield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(j2, j, "nefield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(k2, k, "nefield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(arr2, arr, "nefield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(now2, now, "nefield") c.Assert(err, NotNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(arr3, arr, "nefield") c.Assert(err, NotNil) type Test struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"nefield=End"` End *time.Time } sv := &Test{ Start: &now, End: &now, } errs := validate.Struct(sv) c.Assert(errs, NotNil) now3 := time.Now().UTC() sv = &Test{ Start: &now, End: &now3, } errs = validate.Struct(sv) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) channel := make(chan string) c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(nil, 1, "nefield") }, PanicMatches, "struct not passed for cross validation") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(5, channel, "nefield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type chan string") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(5, now, "nefield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad Top Level field type") type Test2 struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"nefield=NonExistantField"` End *time.Time } sv2 := &Test2{ Start: &now, End: &now, } c.Assert(func() { validate.Struct(sv2) }, PanicMatches, "Field \"NonExistantField\" not found in struct") } func (ms *MySuite) TestIsNeValidation(c *C) { var j uint64 var k float64 s := "abcdef" i := 3 j = 2 k = 1.5434 arr := []string{"test"} now := time.Now().UTC() err := validate.Field(s, "ne=abcd") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(i, "ne=1") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(j, "ne=1") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(k, "ne=1.543") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(arr, "ne=2") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(arr, "ne=1") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(now, "ne=now") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type time.Time") } func (ms *MySuite) TestIsEqFieldValidation(c *C) { var j uint64 var k float64 s := "abcd" i := 1 j = 1 k = 1.543 arr := []string{"test"} now := time.Now().UTC() var j2 uint64 var k2 float64 s2 := "abcd" i2 := 1 j2 = 1 k2 = 1.543 arr2 := []string{"test"} arr3 := []string{"test", "test2"} now2 := now err := validate.FieldWithValue(s, s2, "eqfield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(i2, i, "eqfield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(j2, j, "eqfield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(k2, k, "eqfield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(arr2, arr, "eqfield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(now2, now, "eqfield") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.FieldWithValue(arr3, arr, "eqfield") c.Assert(err, NotNil) type Test struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"eqfield=End"` End *time.Time } sv := &Test{ Start: &now, End: &now, } errs := validate.Struct(sv) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) now3 := time.Now().UTC() sv = &Test{ Start: &now, End: &now3, } errs = validate.Struct(sv) c.Assert(errs, NotNil) channel := make(chan string) c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(nil, 1, "eqfield") }, PanicMatches, "struct not passed for cross validation") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(5, channel, "eqfield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type chan string") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(5, now, "eqfield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad Top Level field type") type Test2 struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"eqfield=NonExistantField"` End *time.Time } sv2 := &Test2{ Start: &now, End: &now, } c.Assert(func() { validate.Struct(sv2) }, PanicMatches, "Field \"NonExistantField\" not found in struct") } func (ms *MySuite) TestIsEqValidation(c *C) { var j uint64 var k float64 s := "abcd" i := 1 j = 1 k = 1.543 arr := []string{"test"} now := time.Now().UTC() err := validate.Field(s, "eq=abcd") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(i, "eq=1") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(j, "eq=1") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(k, "eq=1.543") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(arr, "eq=1") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.Field(arr, "eq=2") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(now, "eq=now") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type time.Time") } func (ms *MySuite) TestBase64Validation(c *C) { s := "dW5pY29ybg==" err := validate.Field(s, "base64") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "dGhpIGlzIGEgdGVzdCBiYXNlNjQ=" err = validate.Field(s, "base64") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "" err = validate.Field(s, "base64") c.Assert(err, NotNil) s = "dW5pY29ybg== foo bar" err = validate.Field(s, "base64") c.Assert(err, NotNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestStructOnlyValidation(c *C) { type Inner struct { Test string `validate:"len=5"` } type Outer struct { InnerStruct *Inner `validate:"required,structonly"` } outer := &Outer{ InnerStruct: nil, } errs := validate.Struct(outer).Flatten() c.Assert(errs, NotNil) inner := &Inner{ Test: "1234", } outer = &Outer{ InnerStruct: inner, } errs = validate.Struct(outer).Flatten() c.Assert(errs, IsNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestGtField(c *C) { type TimeTest struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"required,gt"` End *time.Time `validate:"required,gt,gtfield=Start"` } now := time.Now() start := now.Add(time.Hour * 24) end := start.Add(time.Hour * 24) timeTest := &TimeTest{ Start: &start, End: &end, } errs := validate.Struct(timeTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) timeTest = &TimeTest{ Start: &end, End: &start, } errs2 := validate.Struct(timeTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "End", "gtfield", c) err3 := validate.FieldWithValue(&start, &end, "gtfield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(&end, &start, "gtfield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "gtfield") type IntTest struct { Val1 int `validate:"required"` Val2 int `validate:"required,gtfield=Val1"` } intTest := &IntTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs = validate.Struct(intTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) intTest = &IntTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs2 = validate.Struct(intTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "gtfield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(int(1), int(5), "gtfield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(int(5), int(1), "gtfield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "gtfield") type UIntTest struct { Val1 uint `validate:"required"` Val2 uint `validate:"required,gtfield=Val1"` } uIntTest := &UIntTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs = validate.Struct(uIntTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) uIntTest = &UIntTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs2 = validate.Struct(uIntTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "gtfield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(uint(1), uint(5), "gtfield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(uint(5), uint(1), "gtfield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "gtfield") type FloatTest struct { Val1 float64 `validate:"required"` Val2 float64 `validate:"required,gtfield=Val1"` } floatTest := &FloatTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs = validate.Struct(floatTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) floatTest = &FloatTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs2 = validate.Struct(floatTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "gtfield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(float32(1), float32(5), "gtfield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(float32(5), float32(1), "gtfield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "gtfield") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(nil, 1, "gtfield") }, PanicMatches, "struct not passed for cross validation") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(5, "T", "gtfield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type string") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(5, start, "gtfield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad Top Level field type") type TimeTest2 struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"required"` End *time.Time `validate:"required,gtfield=NonExistantField"` } timeTest2 := &TimeTest2{ Start: &start, End: &end, } c.Assert(func() { validate.Struct(timeTest2) }, PanicMatches, "Field \"NonExistantField\" not found in struct") } func (ms *MySuite) TestLtField(c *C) { type TimeTest struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"required,lt,ltfield=End"` End *time.Time `validate:"required,lt"` } now := time.Now() start := now.Add(time.Hour * 24 * -1 * 2) end := start.Add(time.Hour * 24) timeTest := &TimeTest{ Start: &start, End: &end, } errs := validate.Struct(timeTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) timeTest = &TimeTest{ Start: &end, End: &start, } errs2 := validate.Struct(timeTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Start", "ltfield", c) err3 := validate.FieldWithValue(&end, &start, "ltfield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(&start, &end, "ltfield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "ltfield") type IntTest struct { Val1 int `validate:"required"` Val2 int `validate:"required,ltfield=Val1"` } intTest := &IntTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs = validate.Struct(intTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) intTest = &IntTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs2 = validate.Struct(intTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "ltfield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(int(5), int(1), "ltfield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(int(1), int(5), "ltfield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "ltfield") type UIntTest struct { Val1 uint `validate:"required"` Val2 uint `validate:"required,ltfield=Val1"` } uIntTest := &UIntTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs = validate.Struct(uIntTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) uIntTest = &UIntTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs2 = validate.Struct(uIntTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "ltfield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(uint(5), uint(1), "ltfield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(uint(1), uint(5), "ltfield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "ltfield") type FloatTest struct { Val1 float64 `validate:"required"` Val2 float64 `validate:"required,ltfield=Val1"` } floatTest := &FloatTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs = validate.Struct(floatTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) floatTest = &FloatTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs2 = validate.Struct(floatTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "ltfield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(float32(5), float32(1), "ltfield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(float32(1), float32(5), "ltfield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "ltfield") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(nil, 5, "ltfield") }, PanicMatches, "struct not passed for cross validation") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(1, "T", "ltfield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type string") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(1, end, "ltfield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad Top Level field type") type TimeTest2 struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"required"` End *time.Time `validate:"required,ltfield=NonExistantField"` } timeTest2 := &TimeTest2{ Start: &end, End: &start, } c.Assert(func() { validate.Struct(timeTest2) }, PanicMatches, "Field \"NonExistantField\" not found in struct") } func (ms *MySuite) TestLteField(c *C) { type TimeTest struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"required,lte,ltefield=End"` End *time.Time `validate:"required,lte"` } now := time.Now() start := now.Add(time.Hour * 24 * -1 * 2) end := start.Add(time.Hour * 24) timeTest := &TimeTest{ Start: &start, End: &end, } errs := validate.Struct(timeTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) timeTest = &TimeTest{ Start: &end, End: &start, } errs2 := validate.Struct(timeTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Start", "ltefield", c) err3 := validate.FieldWithValue(&end, &start, "ltefield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(&start, &end, "ltefield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "ltefield") type IntTest struct { Val1 int `validate:"required"` Val2 int `validate:"required,ltefield=Val1"` } intTest := &IntTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs = validate.Struct(intTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) intTest = &IntTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs2 = validate.Struct(intTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "ltefield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(int(5), int(1), "ltefield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(int(1), int(5), "ltefield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "ltefield") type UIntTest struct { Val1 uint `validate:"required"` Val2 uint `validate:"required,ltefield=Val1"` } uIntTest := &UIntTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs = validate.Struct(uIntTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) uIntTest = &UIntTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs2 = validate.Struct(uIntTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "ltefield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(uint(5), uint(1), "ltefield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(uint(1), uint(5), "ltefield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "ltefield") type FloatTest struct { Val1 float64 `validate:"required"` Val2 float64 `validate:"required,ltefield=Val1"` } floatTest := &FloatTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs = validate.Struct(floatTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) floatTest = &FloatTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs2 = validate.Struct(floatTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "ltefield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(float32(5), float32(1), "ltefield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(float32(1), float32(5), "ltefield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "ltefield") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(nil, 5, "ltefield") }, PanicMatches, "struct not passed for cross validation") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(1, "T", "ltefield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type string") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(1, end, "ltefield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad Top Level field type") type TimeTest2 struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"required"` End *time.Time `validate:"required,ltefield=NonExistantField"` } timeTest2 := &TimeTest2{ Start: &end, End: &start, } c.Assert(func() { validate.Struct(timeTest2) }, PanicMatches, "Field \"NonExistantField\" not found in struct") } func (ms *MySuite) TestGteField(c *C) { type TimeTest struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"required,gte"` End *time.Time `validate:"required,gte,gtefield=Start"` } now := time.Now() start := now.Add(time.Hour * 24) end := start.Add(time.Hour * 24) timeTest := &TimeTest{ Start: &start, End: &end, } errs := validate.Struct(timeTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) timeTest = &TimeTest{ Start: &end, End: &start, } errs2 := validate.Struct(timeTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "End", "gtefield", c) err3 := validate.FieldWithValue(&start, &end, "gtefield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(&end, &start, "gtefield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "gtefield") type IntTest struct { Val1 int `validate:"required"` Val2 int `validate:"required,gtefield=Val1"` } intTest := &IntTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs = validate.Struct(intTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) intTest = &IntTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs2 = validate.Struct(intTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "gtefield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(int(1), int(5), "gtefield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(int(5), int(1), "gtefield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "gtefield") type UIntTest struct { Val1 uint `validate:"required"` Val2 uint `validate:"required,gtefield=Val1"` } uIntTest := &UIntTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs = validate.Struct(uIntTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) uIntTest = &UIntTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs2 = validate.Struct(uIntTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "gtefield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(uint(1), uint(5), "gtefield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(uint(5), uint(1), "gtefield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "gtefield") type FloatTest struct { Val1 float64 `validate:"required"` Val2 float64 `validate:"required,gtefield=Val1"` } floatTest := &FloatTest{ Val1: 1, Val2: 5, } errs = validate.Struct(floatTest) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) floatTest = &FloatTest{ Val1: 5, Val2: 1, } errs2 = validate.Struct(floatTest).Flatten() c.Assert(errs2, NotNil) AssertMapFieldError(errs2, "Val2", "gtefield", c) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(float32(1), float32(5), "gtefield") c.Assert(err3, IsNil) err3 = validate.FieldWithValue(float32(5), float32(1), "gtefield") c.Assert(err3, NotNil) c.Assert(err3.Tag, Equals, "gtefield") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(nil, 1, "gtefield") }, PanicMatches, "struct not passed for cross validation") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(5, "T", "gtefield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type string") c.Assert(func() { validate.FieldWithValue(5, start, "gtefield") }, PanicMatches, "Bad Top Level field type") type TimeTest2 struct { Start *time.Time `validate:"required"` End *time.Time `validate:"required,gtefield=NonExistantField"` } timeTest2 := &TimeTest2{ Start: &start, End: &end, } c.Assert(func() { validate.Struct(timeTest2) }, PanicMatches, "Field \"NonExistantField\" not found in struct") } func (ms *MySuite) TestValidateByTagAndValue(c *C) { val := "test" field := "test" err := validate.FieldWithValue(val, field, "required") c.Assert(err, IsNil) validate.AddFunction("isequaltestfunc", isEqualFunc) err = validate.FieldWithValue(val, field, "isequaltestfunc") c.Assert(err, IsNil) val = "unequal" err = validate.FieldWithValue(val, field, "isequaltestfunc") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "isequaltestfunc") } func (ms *MySuite) TestAddFunctions(c *C) { validate := validator.New("validateme", validator.BakedInValidators) err := validate.AddFunction("new", newValidatorFunc) c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = validate.AddFunction("", newValidatorFunc) c.Assert(err, NotNil) validate.AddFunction("new", nil) c.Assert(err, NotNil) err = validate.AddFunction("new", newValidatorFunc) c.Assert(err, IsNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestChangeTag(c *C) { validate := validator.New("validateme", validator.BakedInValidators) validate.SetTag("val") type Test struct { Name string `val:"len=4"` } s := &Test{ Name: "TEST", } err := validate.Struct(s) c.Assert(err, IsNil) // validator.SetTag("v") // validator.SetTag("validate") } func (ms *MySuite) TestUnexposedStruct(c *C) { type Test struct { Name string unexposed struct { A string `validate:"required"` } } s := &Test{ Name: "TEST", } err := validate.Struct(s) c.Assert(err, IsNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestBadParams(c *C) { i := 1 err := validate.Field(i, "-") c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "len=a") }, PanicMatches, "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"a\": invalid syntax") c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "len=a") }, PanicMatches, "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"a\": invalid syntax") var ui uint = 1 c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(ui, "len=a") }, PanicMatches, "strconv.ParseUint: parsing \"a\": invalid syntax") f := 1.23 c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(f, "len=a") }, PanicMatches, "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"a\": invalid syntax") } func (ms *MySuite) TestLength(c *C) { i := true c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "len") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type bool") } func (ms *MySuite) TestIsGt(c *C) { myMap := map[string]string{} err := validate.Field(myMap, "gt=0") c.Assert(err, NotNil) f := 1.23 err = validate.Field(f, "gt=5") c.Assert(err, NotNil) var ui uint = 5 err = validate.Field(ui, "gt=10") c.Assert(err, NotNil) i := true c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "gt") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type bool") t := time.Now().UTC() t = t.Add(time.Hour * 24) err = validate.Field(t, "gt") c.Assert(err, IsNil) t2 := time.Now().UTC() err = validate.Field(t2, "gt") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "gt") type Test struct { Now *time.Time `validate:"gt"` } s := &Test{ Now: &t, } errs := validate.Struct(s) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) s = &Test{ Now: &t2, } errs = validate.Struct(s) c.Assert(errs, NotNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestIsGte(c *C) { i := true c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "gte") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type bool") t := time.Now().UTC() t = t.Add(time.Hour * 24) err := validate.Field(t, "gte") c.Assert(err, IsNil) t2 := time.Now().UTC() err = validate.Field(t2, "gte") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "gte") c.Assert(err.Type, Equals, reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})) type Test struct { Now *time.Time `validate:"gte"` } s := &Test{ Now: &t, } errs := validate.Struct(s) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) s = &Test{ Now: &t2, } errs = validate.Struct(s) c.Assert(errs, NotNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestIsLt(c *C) { myMap := map[string]string{} err := validate.Field(myMap, "lt=0") c.Assert(err, NotNil) f := 1.23 err = validate.Field(f, "lt=0") c.Assert(err, NotNil) var ui uint = 5 err = validate.Field(ui, "lt=0") c.Assert(err, NotNil) i := true c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "lt") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type bool") t := time.Now().UTC() err = validate.Field(t, "lt") c.Assert(err, IsNil) t2 := time.Now().UTC() t2 = t2.Add(time.Hour * 24) err = validate.Field(t2, "lt") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "lt") type Test struct { Now *time.Time `validate:"lt"` } s := &Test{ Now: &t, } errs := validate.Struct(s) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) s = &Test{ Now: &t2, } errs = validate.Struct(s) c.Assert(errs, NotNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestIsLte(c *C) { i := true c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "lte") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type bool") t := time.Now().UTC() err := validate.Field(t, "lte") c.Assert(err, IsNil) t2 := time.Now().UTC() t2 = t2.Add(time.Hour * 24) err = validate.Field(t2, "lte") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "lte") type Test struct { Now *time.Time `validate:"lte"` } s := &Test{ Now: &t, } errs := validate.Struct(s) c.Assert(errs, IsNil) s = &Test{ Now: &t2, } errs = validate.Struct(s) c.Assert(errs, NotNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestUrl(c *C) { var tests = []struct { param string expected bool }{ {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", false}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"http://localhost:3000/", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", false}, {"xyz://", true}, {"invalid.", false}, {".com", false}, {"rtmp://", true}, {"", true}, {"http://localhost:3000/", true}, {"", true}, {"$-_.+!*\\'(),", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"irc://", true}, {"irc://#channel@network", true}, {"/abs/test/dir", false}, {"./rel/test/dir", false}, } for _, test := range tests { err := validate.Field(test.param, "url") if test.expected == true { c.Assert(err, IsNil) } else { c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "url") } } i := 1 c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "url") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type int") } func (ms *MySuite) TestUri(c *C) { var tests = []struct { param string expected bool }{ {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", false}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"http://localhost:3000/", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", false}, {"xyz://", true}, {"invalid.", false}, {".com", false}, {"rtmp://", true}, {"", true}, {"http://localhost:3000/", true}, {"", true}, {"$-_.+!*\\'(),", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"", true}, {"irc://", true}, {"irc://#channel@network", true}, {"/abs/test/dir", true}, {"./rel/test/dir", false}, } for _, test := range tests { err := validate.Field(test.param, "uri") if test.expected == true { c.Assert(err, IsNil) } else { c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "uri") } } i := 1 c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "uri") }, PanicMatches, "Bad field type int") } func (ms *MySuite) TestOrTag(c *C) { s := "rgba(0,31,255,0.5)" err := validate.Field(s, "rgb|rgba") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "rgba(0,31,255,0.5)" err = validate.Field(s, "rgb|rgba|len=18") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "this ain't right" err = validate.Field(s, "rgb|rgba") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "rgb|rgba") s = "this ain't right" err = validate.Field(s, "rgb|rgba|len=10") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "rgb|rgba|len") s = "this is right" err = validate.Field(s, "rgb|rgba|len=13") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "" err = validate.Field(s, "omitempty,rgb|rgba") c.Assert(err, IsNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestHsla(c *C) { s := "hsla(360,100%,100%,1)" err := validate.Field(s, "hsla") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "hsla(360,100%,100%,0.5)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsla") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "hsla(0,0%,0%, 0)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsla") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "hsl(361,100%,50%,1)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsla") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hsla") s = "hsl(361,100%,50%)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsla") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hsla") s = "hsla(361,100%,50%)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsla") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hsla") s = "hsla(360,101%,50%)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsla") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hsla") s = "hsla(360,100%,101%)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsla") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hsla") i := 1 c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "hsla") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is int, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestHsl(c *C) { s := "hsl(360,100%,50%)" err := validate.Field(s, "hsl") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "hsl(0,0%,0%)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsl") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "hsl(361,100%,50%)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsl") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hsl") s = "hsl(361,101%,50%)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsl") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hsl") s = "hsl(361,100%,101%)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsl") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hsl") s = "hsl(-10,100%,100%)" err = validate.Field(s, "hsl") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hsl") i := 1 c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "hsl") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is int, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestRgba(c *C) { s := "rgba(0,31,255,0.5)" err := validate.Field(s, "rgba") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "rgba(0,31,255,0.12)" err = validate.Field(s, "rgba") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "rgba( 0, 31, 255, 0.5)" err = validate.Field(s, "rgba") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "rgb(0, 31, 255)" err = validate.Field(s, "rgba") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "rgba") s = "rgb(1,349,275,0.5)" err = validate.Field(s, "rgba") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "rgba") s = "rgb(01,31,255,0.5)" err = validate.Field(s, "rgba") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "rgba") i := 1 c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "rgba") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is int, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestRgb(c *C) { s := "rgb(0,31,255)" err := validate.Field(s, "rgb") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "rgb(0, 31, 255)" err = validate.Field(s, "rgb") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "rgb(1,349,275)" err = validate.Field(s, "rgb") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "rgb") s = "rgb(01,31,255)" err = validate.Field(s, "rgb") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "rgb") s = "rgba(0,31,255)" err = validate.Field(s, "rgb") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "rgb") i := 1 c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "rgb") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is int, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestEmail(c *C) { s := "" err := validate.Field(s, "email") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "" err = validate.Field(s, "email") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "email") s = "test@email" err = validate.Field(s, "email") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "email") s = "test@email." err = validate.Field(s, "email") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "email") s = "" err = validate.Field(s, "email") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "email") i := true c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "email") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is bool, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestHexColor(c *C) { s := "#fff" err := validate.Field(s, "hexcolor") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "#c2c2c2" err = validate.Field(s, "hexcolor") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "fff" err = validate.Field(s, "hexcolor") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hexcolor") s = "fffFF" err = validate.Field(s, "hexcolor") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hexcolor") i := true c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "hexcolor") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is bool, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestHexadecimal(c *C) { s := "ff0044" err := validate.Field(s, "hexadecimal") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "abcdefg" err = validate.Field(s, "hexadecimal") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "hexadecimal") i := true c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "hexadecimal") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is bool, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestNumber(c *C) { s := "1" err := validate.Field(s, "number") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "+1" err = validate.Field(s, "number") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "number") s = "-1" err = validate.Field(s, "number") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "number") s = "1.12" err = validate.Field(s, "number") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "number") s = "+1.12" err = validate.Field(s, "number") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "number") s = "-1.12" err = validate.Field(s, "number") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "number") s = "1." err = validate.Field(s, "number") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "number") s = "1.o" err = validate.Field(s, "number") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "number") i := 1 c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "number") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is int, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestNumeric(c *C) { s := "1" err := validate.Field(s, "numeric") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "+1" err = validate.Field(s, "numeric") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "-1" err = validate.Field(s, "numeric") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "1.12" err = validate.Field(s, "numeric") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "+1.12" err = validate.Field(s, "numeric") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "-1.12" err = validate.Field(s, "numeric") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "1." err = validate.Field(s, "numeric") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "numeric") s = "1.o" err = validate.Field(s, "numeric") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "numeric") i := 1 c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(i, "numeric") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is int, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestAlphaNumeric(c *C) { s := "abcd123" err := validate.Field(s, "alphanum") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "abc!23" err = validate.Field(s, "alphanum") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "alphanum") c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(1, "alphanum") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is int, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestAlpha(c *C) { s := "abcd" err := validate.Field(s, "alpha") c.Assert(err, IsNil) s = "abc1" err = validate.Field(s, "alpha") c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Tag, Equals, "alpha") c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(1, "alpha") }, PanicMatches, "interface conversion: interface is int, not string") } func (ms *MySuite) TestFlattening(c *C) { tSuccess := &TestString{ Required: "Required", Len: "length==10", Min: "min=1", Max: "1234567890", MinMax: "12345", Lt: "012345678", Lte: "0123456789", Gt: "01234567890", Gte: "0123456789", OmitEmpty: "", Sub: &SubTest{ Test: "1", }, SubIgnore: &SubTest{ Test: "", }, Anonymous: struct { A string `validate:"required"` }{ A: "1", }, Iface: &Impl{ F: "123", }, } err1 := validate.Struct(tSuccess).Flatten() c.Assert(err1, IsNil) tFail := &TestString{ Required: "", Len: "", Min: "", Max: "12345678901", MinMax: "", OmitEmpty: "12345678901", Sub: &SubTest{ Test: "", }, Anonymous: struct { A string `validate:"required"` }{ A: "", }, Iface: &Impl{ F: "12", }, } err2 := validate.Struct(tFail).Flatten() // Assert Top Level c.Assert(err2, NotNil) // Assert Fields AssertMapFieldError(err2, "Len", "len", c) AssertMapFieldError(err2, "Gt", "gt", c) AssertMapFieldError(err2, "Gte", "gte", c) // Assert Struct Field AssertMapFieldError(err2, "Sub.Test", "required", c) // Assert Anonymous Struct Field AssertMapFieldError(err2, "Anonymous.A", "required", c) // Assert Interface Field AssertMapFieldError(err2, "Iface.F", "len", c) } func (ms *MySuite) TestStructStringValidation(c *C) { tSuccess := &TestString{ Required: "Required", Len: "length==10", Min: "min=1", Max: "1234567890", MinMax: "12345", Lt: "012345678", Lte: "0123456789", Gt: "01234567890", Gte: "0123456789", OmitEmpty: "", Sub: &SubTest{ Test: "1", }, SubIgnore: &SubTest{ Test: "", }, Anonymous: struct { A string `validate:"required"` }{ A: "1", }, Iface: &Impl{ F: "123", }, } err := validate.Struct(tSuccess) c.Assert(err, IsNil) tFail := &TestString{ Required: "", Len: "", Min: "", Max: "12345678901", MinMax: "", Lt: "0123456789", Lte: "01234567890", Gt: "1", Gte: "1", OmitEmpty: "12345678901", Sub: &SubTest{ Test: "", }, Anonymous: struct { A string `validate:"required"` }{ A: "", }, Iface: &Impl{ F: "12", }, } err = validate.Struct(tFail) // Assert Top Level c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Struct, Equals, "TestString") c.Assert(len(err.Errors), Equals, 10) c.Assert(len(err.StructErrors), Equals, 3) // Assert Fields AssertFieldError(err, "Required", "required", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Len", "len", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Min", "min", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Max", "max", c) AssertFieldError(err, "MinMax", "min", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Gt", "gt", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Gte", "gte", c) AssertFieldError(err, "OmitEmpty", "max", c) // Assert Anonymous embedded struct AssetStruct(err, "Anonymous", "", c) // Assert SubTest embedded struct val := AssetStruct(err, "Sub", "SubTest", c) c.Assert(len(val.Errors), Equals, 1) c.Assert(len(val.StructErrors), Equals, 0) AssertFieldError(val, "Test", "required", c) errors := err.Error() c.Assert(errors, NotNil) } func (ms *MySuite) TestStructInt32Validation(c *C) { tSuccess := &TestInt32{ Required: 1, Len: 10, Min: 1, Max: 10, MinMax: 5, Lt: 9, Lte: 10, Gt: 11, Gte: 10, OmitEmpty: 0, } err := validate.Struct(tSuccess) c.Assert(err, IsNil) tFail := &TestInt32{ Required: 0, Len: 11, Min: -1, Max: 11, MinMax: -1, Lt: 10, Lte: 11, Gt: 10, Gte: 9, OmitEmpty: 11, } err = validate.Struct(tFail) // Assert Top Level c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Struct, Equals, "TestInt32") c.Assert(len(err.Errors), Equals, 10) c.Assert(len(err.StructErrors), Equals, 0) // Assert Fields AssertFieldError(err, "Required", "required", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Len", "len", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Min", "min", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Max", "max", c) AssertFieldError(err, "MinMax", "min", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Lt", "lt", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Lte", "lte", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Gt", "gt", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Gte", "gte", c) AssertFieldError(err, "OmitEmpty", "max", c) } func (ms *MySuite) TestStructUint64Validation(c *C) { tSuccess := &TestUint64{ Required: 1, Len: 10, Min: 1, Max: 10, MinMax: 5, OmitEmpty: 0, } err := validate.Struct(tSuccess) c.Assert(err, IsNil) tFail := &TestUint64{ Required: 0, Len: 11, Min: 0, Max: 11, MinMax: 0, OmitEmpty: 11, } err = validate.Struct(tFail) // Assert Top Level c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Struct, Equals, "TestUint64") c.Assert(len(err.Errors), Equals, 6) c.Assert(len(err.StructErrors), Equals, 0) // Assert Fields AssertFieldError(err, "Required", "required", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Len", "len", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Min", "min", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Max", "max", c) AssertFieldError(err, "MinMax", "min", c) AssertFieldError(err, "OmitEmpty", "max", c) } func (ms *MySuite) TestStructFloat64Validation(c *C) { tSuccess := &TestFloat64{ Required: 1, Len: 10, Min: 1, Max: 10, MinMax: 5, OmitEmpty: 0, } err := validate.Struct(tSuccess) c.Assert(err, IsNil) tFail := &TestFloat64{ Required: 0, Len: 11, Min: 0, Max: 11, MinMax: 0, OmitEmpty: 11, } err = validate.Struct(tFail) // Assert Top Level c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Struct, Equals, "TestFloat64") c.Assert(len(err.Errors), Equals, 6) c.Assert(len(err.StructErrors), Equals, 0) // Assert Fields AssertFieldError(err, "Required", "required", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Len", "len", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Min", "min", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Max", "max", c) AssertFieldError(err, "MinMax", "min", c) AssertFieldError(err, "OmitEmpty", "max", c) } func (ms *MySuite) TestStructSliceValidation(c *C) { tSuccess := &TestSlice{ Required: []int{1}, Len: []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}, Min: []int{1, 2}, Max: []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}, MinMax: []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, OmitEmpty: []int{}, } err := validate.Struct(tSuccess) c.Assert(err, IsNil) tFail := &TestSlice{ Required: []int{}, Len: []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1}, Min: []int{}, Max: []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1}, MinMax: []int{}, OmitEmpty: []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1}, } err = validate.Struct(tFail) // Assert Top Level c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err.Struct, Equals, "TestSlice") c.Assert(len(err.Errors), Equals, 6) c.Assert(len(err.StructErrors), Equals, 0) // Assert Fields AssertFieldError(err, "Required", "required", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Len", "len", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Min", "min", c) AssertFieldError(err, "Max", "max", c) AssertFieldError(err, "MinMax", "min", c) AssertFieldError(err, "OmitEmpty", "max", c) } func (ms *MySuite) TestInvalidStruct(c *C) { s := &SubTest{ Test: "1", } c.Assert(func() { validate.Struct(s.Test) }, PanicMatches, "interface passed for validation is not a struct") } func (ms *MySuite) TestInvalidField(c *C) { s := &SubTest{ Test: "1", } c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(s, "required") }, PanicMatches, "Invalid field passed to ValidateFieldWithTag") } func (ms *MySuite) TestInvalidTagField(c *C) { s := &SubTest{ Test: "1", } c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(s.Test, "") }, PanicMatches, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid validation tag on field %s", "")) } func (ms *MySuite) TestInvalidValidatorFunction(c *C) { s := &SubTest{ Test: "1", } c.Assert(func() { validate.Field(s.Test, "zzxxBadFunction") }, PanicMatches, fmt.Sprintf("Undefined validation function on field %s", "")) }