💯Go Struct and Field validation, including Cross Field, Cross Struct, Map, Slice and Array diving
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package main
import (
// User contains user information
type User struct {
FirstName string `validate:"required"`
LastName string `validate:"required"`
Age uint8 `validate:"gte=0,lte=130"`
Email string `validate:"required,email"`
FavouriteColor string `validate:"hexcolor|rgb|rgba"`
Addresses []*Address `validate:"required,dive,required"` // a person can have a home and cottage...
// Address houses a users address information
type Address struct {
Street string `validate:"required"`
City string `validate:"required"`
Planet string `validate:"required"`
Phone string `validate:"required"`
var validate *validator.Validate
func main() {
validate = validator.New("validate", validator.BakedInValidators)
address := &Address{
Street: "Eavesdown Docks",
Planet: "Persphone",
Phone: "none",
user := &User{
FirstName: "Badger",
LastName: "Smith",
Age: 135,
Email: "Badger.Smith@gmail.com",
FavouriteColor: "#000",
Addresses: []*Address{address},
// returns nil or *StructErrors
errs := validate.Struct(user)
if errs != nil {
// err will be of type *FieldError
err := errs.Errors["Age"]
fmt.Println(err.Error()) // output: Field validation for "Age" failed on the "lte" tag
fmt.Println(err.Field) // output: Age
fmt.Println(err.Tag) // output: lte
fmt.Println(err.Kind) // output: uint8
fmt.Println(err.Type) // output: uint8
fmt.Println(err.Param) // output: 130
fmt.Println(err.Value) // output: 135
// or if you prefer you can use the Flatten function
// NOTE: I find this usefull when using a more hard static approach of checking field errors.
// The above, is best for passing to some generic code to say parse the errors. i.e. I pass errs
// to a routine which loops through the errors, creates and translates the error message into the
// users locale and returns a map of map[string]string // field and error which I then use
// within the HTML rendering.
flat := errs.Flatten()
fmt.Println(flat) // output: map[Age:Field validation for "Age" failed on the "lte" tag Addresses[0].Address.City:Field validation for "City" failed on the "required" tag]
err = flat["Addresses[0].Address.City"]
fmt.Println(err.Field) // output: City
fmt.Println(err.Tag) // output: required
fmt.Println(err.Kind) // output: string
fmt.Println(err.Type) // output: string
fmt.Println(err.Param) // output:
fmt.Println(err.Value) // output:
// from here you can create your own error messages in whatever language you wish
// save user to database