package main
import (
var validate *validator.Validate
func main() {
validate = validator.New()
func validateMap() {
user := map[string]interface{}{"name": "Arshiya Kiani", "email": "zytel3301@gmail.com"}
// Every rule will be applied to the item of the data that the offset of rule is pointing to.
// So if you have a field "email": "omitempty,required,email", the validator will apply these
// rules to offset of email in user data
rules := map[string]interface{}{"name": "required,min=8,max=32", "email": "omitempty,required,email"}
// ValidateMap will return map[string]error.
// The offset of every item in errs is the name of invalid field and the value
// is the message of error. If there was no error, ValidateMap method will
// return an EMPTY map of errors, not nil. If you want to check that
// if there was an error or not, you must check the length of the return value
errs := validate.ValidateMap(user, rules)
if len(errs) > 0 {
// The user is invalid
// The user is valid
func validateNestedMap() {
data := map[string]interface{}{
"name": "Arshiya Kiani",
"email": "zytel3301@gmail.com",
"details": map[string]interface{}{
"family_members": map[string]interface{}{
"father_name": "Micheal",
"mother_name": "Hannah",
"salary": "1000",
"phones": []map[string]interface{}{
"number": "11-111-1111",
"remark": "home",
"number": "22-222-2222",
"remark": "work",
// Rules must be set as the structure as the data itself. If you want to dive into the
// map, just declare its rules as a map
rules := map[string]interface{}{
"name": "min=4,max=32",
"email": "required,email",
"details": map[string]interface{}{
"family_members": map[string]interface{}{
"father_name": "required,min=4,max=32",
"mother_name": "required,min=4,max=32",
"salary": "number",
"phones": map[string]interface{}{
"number": "required,min=4,max=32",
"remark": "required,min=1,max=32",
if len(validate.ValidateMap(data, rules)) == 0 {
// Data is valid
// Data is invalid