// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license. // See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details. package es // MatchPhraseQuery analyzes the text and creates a phrase query out of // the analyzed text. // // For more details, see // https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/query-dsl-match-query-phrase.html type MatchPhraseQuery struct { name string value interface{} analyzer string slop *int boost *float64 queryName string zeroTermsQuery string } // NewMatchPhraseQuery creates and initializes a new MatchPhraseQuery. func NewMatchPhraseQuery(name string, value interface{}) *MatchPhraseQuery { return &MatchPhraseQuery{name: name, value: value} } // Analyzer explicitly sets the analyzer to use. It defaults to use explicit // mapping config for the field, or, if not set, the default search analyzer. func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) Analyzer(analyzer string) *MatchPhraseQuery { q.analyzer = analyzer return q } // Slop sets the phrase slop if evaluated to a phrase query type. func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) Slop(slop int) *MatchPhraseQuery { q.slop = &slop return q } // ZeroTermsQuery can be "all" or "none". func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) ZeroTermsQuery(zeroTermsQuery string) *MatchPhraseQuery { q.zeroTermsQuery = zeroTermsQuery return q } // Boost sets the boost to apply to this query. func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) Boost(boost float64) *MatchPhraseQuery { q.boost = &boost return q } // QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when // searching for matched filters per hit. func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *MatchPhraseQuery { q.queryName = queryName return q } // Source returns JSON for the function score query. func (q *MatchPhraseQuery) Source() (interface{}, error) { // {"match_phrase":{"name":{"query":"value","analyzer":"my_analyzer"}}} source := make(map[string]interface{}) match := make(map[string]interface{}) source["match_phrase"] = match query := make(map[string]interface{}) match[q.name] = query query["query"] = q.value if q.analyzer != "" { query["analyzer"] = q.analyzer } if q.slop != nil { query["slop"] = *q.slop } if q.zeroTermsQuery != "" { query["zero_terms_query"] = q.zeroTermsQuery } if q.boost != nil { query["boost"] = *q.boost } if q.queryName != "" { query["_name"] = q.queryName } return source, nil }