302 lines
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302 lines
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package wrr
import (
nmd "github.com/go-kratos/kratos/pkg/net/metadata"
wmeta "github.com/go-kratos/kratos/pkg/net/rpc/warden/internal/metadata"
var _ base.PickerBuilder = &wrrPickerBuilder{}
var _ balancer.Picker = &wrrPicker{}
// var dwrrFeature feature.Feature = "dwrr"
// Name is the name of round_robin balancer.
const Name = "wrr"
// newBuilder creates a new weighted-roundrobin balancer builder.
func newBuilder() balancer.Builder {
return base.NewBalancerBuilder(Name, &wrrPickerBuilder{})
func init() {
// dwrrFeature: {Default: false},
type serverInfo struct {
cpu int64
success uint64 // float64 bits
type subConn struct {
conn balancer.SubConn
addr resolver.Address
meta wmeta.MD
err metric.RollingCounter
latency metric.RollingGauge
si serverInfo
// effective weight
ewt int64
// current weight
cwt int64
// last score
score float64
func (c *subConn) errSummary() (err int64, req int64) {
c.err.Reduce(func(iterator metric.Iterator) float64 {
for iterator.Next() {
bucket := iterator.Bucket()
req += bucket.Count
for _, p := range bucket.Points {
err += int64(p)
return 0
func (c *subConn) latencySummary() (latency float64, count int64) {
c.latency.Reduce(func(iterator metric.Iterator) float64 {
for iterator.Next() {
bucket := iterator.Bucket()
count += bucket.Count
for _, p := range bucket.Points {
latency += p
return 0
return latency / float64(count), count
// statistics is info for log
type statistics struct {
addr string
ewt int64
cs float64
ss float64
latency float64
cpu float64
req int64
// Stats is grpc Interceptor for client to collect server stats
func Stats() grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor {
return func(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{}, cc *grpc.ClientConn, invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (err error) {
var (
trailer metadata.MD
md nmd.MD
ok bool
if md, ok = nmd.FromContext(ctx); !ok {
md = nmd.MD{}
} else {
md = md.Copy()
ctx = nmd.NewContext(ctx, md)
opts = append(opts, grpc.Trailer(&trailer))
err = invoker(ctx, method, req, reply, cc, opts...)
conn, ok := md["conn"].(*subConn)
if !ok {
if strs, ok := trailer[wmeta.CPUUsage]; ok {
if cpu, err2 := strconv.ParseInt(strs[0], 10, 64); err2 == nil && cpu > 0 {
atomic.StoreInt64(&conn.si.cpu, cpu)
type wrrPickerBuilder struct{}
func (*wrrPickerBuilder) Build(readySCs map[resolver.Address]balancer.SubConn) balancer.Picker {
p := &wrrPicker{
colors: make(map[string]*wrrPicker),
for addr, sc := range readySCs {
meta, ok := addr.Metadata.(wmeta.MD)
if !ok {
meta = wmeta.MD{
Weight: 10,
subc := &subConn{
conn: sc,
addr: addr,
meta: meta,
ewt: int64(meta.Weight),
score: -1,
err: metric.NewRollingCounter(metric.RollingCounterOpts{
Size: 10,
BucketDuration: time.Millisecond * 100,
latency: metric.NewRollingGauge(metric.RollingGaugeOpts{
Size: 10,
BucketDuration: time.Millisecond * 100,
si: serverInfo{cpu: 500, success: math.Float64bits(1)},
if meta.Color == "" {
p.subConns = append(p.subConns, subc)
// if color not empty, use color picker
cp, ok := p.colors[meta.Color]
if !ok {
cp = &wrrPicker{}
p.colors[meta.Color] = cp
cp.subConns = append(cp.subConns, subc)
return p
type wrrPicker struct {
// subConns is the snapshot of the weighted-roundrobin balancer when this picker was
// created. The slice is immutable. Each Get() will do a round robin
// selection from it and return the selected SubConn.
subConns []*subConn
colors map[string]*wrrPicker
updateAt int64
mu sync.Mutex
func (p *wrrPicker) Pick(ctx context.Context, opts balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.SubConn, func(balancer.DoneInfo), error) {
// FIXME refactor to unify the color logic
color := nmd.String(ctx, nmd.Color)
if color == "" && env.Color != "" {
color = env.Color
if color != "" {
if cp, ok := p.colors[color]; ok {
return cp.pick(ctx, opts)
return p.pick(ctx, opts)
func (p *wrrPicker) pick(ctx context.Context, opts balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.SubConn, func(balancer.DoneInfo), error) {
var (
conn *subConn
totalWeight int64
if len(p.subConns) <= 0 {
return nil, nil, balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable
// nginx wrr load balancing algorithm: http://blog.csdn.net/zhangskd/article/details/50194069
for _, sc := range p.subConns {
totalWeight += sc.ewt
sc.cwt += sc.ewt
if conn == nil || conn.cwt < sc.cwt {
conn = sc
conn.cwt -= totalWeight
start := time.Now()
if cmd, ok := nmd.FromContext(ctx); ok {
cmd["conn"] = conn
//if !feature.DefaultGate.Enabled(dwrrFeature) {
// return conn.conn, nil, nil
return conn.conn, func(di balancer.DoneInfo) {
ev := int64(0) // error value ,if error set 1
if di.Err != nil {
if st, ok := status.FromError(di.Err); ok {
// only counter the local grpc error, ignore any business error
if st.Code() != codes.Unknown && st.Code() != codes.OK {
ev = 1
now := time.Now()
conn.latency.Add(now.Sub(start).Nanoseconds() / 1e5)
u := atomic.LoadInt64(&p.updateAt)
if now.UnixNano()-u < int64(time.Second) {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&p.updateAt, u, now.UnixNano()) {
var (
stats = make([]statistics, len(p.subConns))
count int
total float64
for i, conn := range p.subConns {
cpu := float64(atomic.LoadInt64(&conn.si.cpu))
ss := math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&conn.si.success))
errc, req := conn.errSummary()
lagv, lagc := conn.latencySummary()
if req > 0 && lagc > 0 && lagv > 0 {
// client-side success ratio
cs := 1 - (float64(errc) / float64(req))
if cs <= 0 {
cs = 0.1
} else if cs <= 0.2 && req <= 5 {
cs = 0.2
conn.score = math.Sqrt((cs * ss * ss * 1e9) / (lagv * cpu))
stats[i] = statistics{cs: cs, ss: ss, latency: lagv, cpu: cpu, req: req}
stats[i].addr = conn.addr.Addr
if conn.score > 0 {
total += conn.score
// count must be greater than 1,otherwise will lead ewt to 0
if count < 2 {
avgscore := total / float64(count)
for i, conn := range p.subConns {
if conn.score <= 0 {
conn.score = avgscore
conn.ewt = int64(conn.score * float64(conn.meta.Weight))
stats[i].ewt = conn.ewt
log.Info("warden wrr(%s): %+v", conn.addr.ServerName, stats)
}, nil