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349 lines
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349 lines
9.9 KiB
package generator
import (
plugin ""
type bm struct {
filesHandled int
// BmGenerator BM generator.
func BmGenerator() *bm {
t := &bm{}
return t
// Generate ...
func (t *bm) Generate(in *plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest) *plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse {
// Showtime! Generate the response.
resp := new(plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse)
for _, f := range t.GenFiles {
respFile := t.generateForFile(f)
if respFile != nil {
resp.File = append(resp.File, respFile)
return resp
func (t *bm) generateForFile(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) *plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse_File {
resp := new(plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse_File)
t.generateFileHeader(file, t.GenPkgName)
count := 0
for i, service := range file.Service {
count += t.generateBMInterface(file, service)
t.generateBMRoute(file, service, i)
resp.Name = proto.String(naming.GenFileName(file, ".bm.go"))
resp.Content = proto.String(t.FormattedOutput())
return resp
func (t *bm) generatePathConstants(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) {
for _, service := range file.Service {
name := naming.ServiceName(service)
for _, method := range service.Method {
if !t.ShouldGenForMethod(file, service, method) {
apiInfo := t.GetHttpInfoCached(file, service, method)
t.P(`var Path`, name, naming.MethodName(method), ` = "`, apiInfo.Path, `"`)
func (t *bm) generateFileHeader(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, pkgName string) {
t.P("// Code generated by protoc-gen-bm ", generator.Version, ", DO NOT EDIT.")
t.P("// source: ", file.GetName())
if t.filesHandled == 0 {
comment, err := t.Reg.FileComments(file)
if err == nil && comment.Leading != "" {
// doc for the first file
t.P("Package ", t.GenPkgName, " is a generated blademaster stub package.")
t.P("This code was generated with kratos/tool/protobuf/protoc-gen-bm ", generator.Version, ".")
for _, line := range strings.Split(comment.Leading, "\n") {
line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, " ")
// ensure we don't escape from the block comment
line = strings.Replace(line, "*/", "* /", -1)
t.P("It is generated from these files:")
for _, f := range t.GenFiles {
t.P("\t", f.GetName())
t.P(`package `, pkgName)
func (t *bm) generateImports(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto) {
//if len(file.Service) == 0 {
// return
t.P(`import (`)
//t.P(` `,t.pkgs["context"], ` "context"`)
t.P(` "context"`)
t.P(` bm ""`)
t.P(` ""`)
// It's legal to import a message and use it as an input or output for a
// method. Make sure to import the package of any such message. First, dedupe
// them.
deps := make(map[string]string) // Map of package name to quoted import path.
deps = t.DeduceDeps(file)
for pkg, importPath := range deps {
for _, service := range file.Service {
for _, method := range service.Method {
inputType := t.GoTypeName(method.GetInputType())
outputType := t.GoTypeName(method.GetOutputType())
if strings.HasPrefix(pkg, outputType) || strings.HasPrefix(pkg, inputType) {
t.P(`import `, pkg, ` `, importPath)
if len(deps) > 0 {
t.P(`// to suppressed 'imported but not used warning'`)
t.P(`var _ *bm.Context`)
t.P(`var _ context.Context`)
t.P(`var _ binding.StructValidator`)
// Big header comments to makes it easier to visually parse a generated file.
func (t *bm) sectionComment(sectionTitle string) {
t.P(`// `, strings.Repeat("=", len(sectionTitle)))
t.P(`// `, sectionTitle)
t.P(`// `, strings.Repeat("=", len(sectionTitle)))
func (t *bm) generateBMRoute(
file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto,
service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto,
index int) {
// old mode is generate xx.route.go in the http pkg
// new mode is generate route code in the same .bm.go
// route rule /x{department}/{project-name}/{path_prefix}/method_name
// generate each route method
servName := naming.ServiceName(service)
versionPrefix := naming.GetVersionPrefix(t.GenPkgName)
svcName := utils.LcFirst(utils.CamelCase(versionPrefix)) + servName + "Svc"
t.P(`var `, svcName, ` `, servName, `BMServer`)
type methodInfo struct {
midwares []string
routeFuncName string
apiInfo *generator.HTTPInfo
methodName string
var methList []methodInfo
var allMidwareMap = make(map[string]bool)
var isLegacyPkg = false
for _, method := range service.Method {
if !t.ShouldGenForMethod(file, service, method) {
var midwares []string
comments, _ := t.Reg.MethodComments(file, service, method)
tags := tag.GetTagsInComment(comments.Leading)
if tag.GetTagValue("dynamic", tags) == "true" {
apiInfo := t.GetHttpInfoCached(file, service, method)
isLegacyPkg = apiInfo.IsLegacyPath
//httpMethod, legacyPath, path := getHttpInfo(file, service, method, t.reg)
//if legacyPath != "" {
// isLegacyPkg = true
midStr := tag.GetTagValue("midware", tags)
if midStr != "" {
midwares = strings.Split(midStr, ",")
for _, m := range midwares {
allMidwareMap[m] = true
methName := naming.MethodName(method)
inputType := t.GoTypeName(method.GetInputType())
routeName := utils.LcFirst(utils.CamelCase(servName) +
methList = append(methList, methodInfo{
apiInfo: apiInfo,
midwares: midwares,
routeFuncName: routeName,
methodName: method.GetName(),
t.P(fmt.Sprintf("func %s (c *bm.Context) {", routeName))
t.P(` p := new(`, inputType, `)`)
requestBinding := ""
if t.hasHeaderTag(t.Reg.MessageDefinition(method.GetInputType())) {
requestBinding = ", binding.Request"
t.P(` if err := c.BindWith(p, binding.Default(c.Request.Method, c.Request.Header.Get("Content-Type"))` +
requestBinding + `); err != nil {`)
t.P(` return`)
t.P(` }`)
t.P(` resp, err := `, svcName, `.`, methName, `(c, p)`)
t.P(` c.JSON(resp, err)`)
// generate route group
var midList []string
for m := range allMidwareMap {
midList = append(midList, m+" bm.HandlerFunc")
// 注册老的路由的方法
if isLegacyPkg {
funcName := `Register` + utils.CamelCase(versionPrefix) + servName + `Service`
t.P(`// `, funcName, ` Register the blademaster route with middleware map`)
t.P(`// midMap is the middleware map, the key is defined in proto`)
t.P(`func `, funcName, `(e *bm.Engine, svc `, servName, "BMServer, midMap map[string]bm.HandlerFunc)", ` {`)
var keys []string
for m := range allMidwareMap {
keys = append(keys, m)
// to keep generated code consistent
for _, m := range keys {
t.P(m, ` := midMap["`, m, `"]`)
t.P(svcName, ` = svc`)
for _, methInfo := range methList {
var midArgStr string
if len(methInfo.midwares) == 0 {
midArgStr = ""
} else {
midArgStr = strings.Join(methInfo.midwares, ", ") + ", "
t.P(`e.`, methInfo.apiInfo.HttpMethod, `("`, methInfo.apiInfo.LegacyPath, `", `, midArgStr, methInfo.routeFuncName, `)`)
t.P(` }`)
} else {
// 新的注册路由的方法
var bmFuncName = fmt.Sprintf("Register%sBMServer", servName)
t.P(`// `, bmFuncName, ` Register the blademaster route`)
t.P(`func `, bmFuncName, `(e *bm.Engine, server `, servName, `BMServer) {`)
t.P(svcName, ` = server`)
for _, methInfo := range methList {
t.P(`e.`, methInfo.apiInfo.HttpMethod, `("`, methInfo.apiInfo.NewPath, `",`, methInfo.routeFuncName, ` )`)
t.P(` }`)
func (t *bm) hasHeaderTag(md *typemap.MessageDefinition) bool {
if md.Descriptor.Field == nil {
return false
for _, f := range md.Descriptor.Field {
t := tag.GetMoreTags(f)
if t != nil {
st := reflect.StructTag(*t)
if st.Get("request") != "" {
return true
if st.Get("header") != "" {
return true
return false
func (t *bm) generateBMInterface(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto, service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto) int {
count := 0
servName := naming.ServiceName(service)
t.P("// " + servName + "BMServer is the server API for " + servName + " service.")
comments, err := t.Reg.ServiceComments(file, service)
if err == nil {
t.P(`type `, servName, `BMServer interface {`)
for _, method := range service.Method {
if !t.ShouldGenForMethod(file, service, method) {
t.generateInterfaceMethod(file, service, method, comments)
return count
func (t *bm) generateInterfaceMethod(file *descriptor.FileDescriptorProto,
service *descriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto,
method *descriptor.MethodDescriptorProto,
comments typemap.DefinitionComments) {
comments, err := t.Reg.MethodComments(file, service, method)
methName := naming.MethodName(method)
outputType := t.GoTypeName(method.GetOutputType())
inputType := t.GoTypeName(method.GetInputType())
tags := tag.GetTagsInComment(comments.Leading)
if tag.GetTagValue("dynamic", tags) == "true" {
if err == nil {
respDynamic := tag.GetTagValue("dynamic_resp", tags) == "true"
if respDynamic {
t.P(fmt.Sprintf(` %s(ctx context.Context, req *%s) (resp interface{}, err error)`,
methName, inputType))
} else {
t.P(fmt.Sprintf(` %s(ctx context.Context, req *%s) (resp *%s, err error)`,
methName, inputType, outputType))