user := $(shell whoami) rev := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) os := $(shell expr substr $(shell uname -s) 1 5) # GOBIN > GOPATH > INSTALLDIR # Mac OS X ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) GOBIN := $(shell echo ${GOBIN} | cut -d':' -f1) GOPATH := $(shell echo $(GOPATH) | cut -d':' -f1) endif # Linux ifeq ($(os),Linux) GOBIN := $(shell echo ${GOBIN} | cut -d':' -f1) GOPATH := $(shell echo $(GOPATH) | cut -d':' -f1) endif # Windows ifeq ($(os),MINGW) GOBIN := $(subst \,/,$(GOBIN)) GOPATH := $(subst \,/,$(GOPATH)) GOBIN :=/$(shell echo "$(GOBIN)" | cut -d';' -f1 | sed 's/://g') GOPATH :=/$(shell echo "$(GOPATH)" | cut -d';' -f1 | sed 's/://g') endif BIN := "" TOOLS_SHELL="./hack/" # golangci-lint LINTER := bin/golangci-lint # check GOBIN ifneq ($(GOBIN),) BIN=$(GOBIN) else # check GOPATH ifneq ($(GOPATH),) BIN=$(GOPATH)/bin endif endif $(LINTER): curl -SL | sh -s latest all: @cd cmd/kratos && go build && cd - &> /dev/null @cd cmd/protoc-gen-go-errors && go build && cd - &> /dev/null @cd cmd/protoc-gen-go-http && go build && cd - &> /dev/null .PHONY: install install: all ifeq ($(user),root) #root, install for all user @cp ./cmd/kratos/kratos /usr/bin @cp ./cmd/protoc-gen-go-errors/protoc-gen-go-errors /usr/bin @cp ./cmd/protoc-gen-go-http/protoc-gen-go-http /usr/bin else #!root, install for current user $(shell if [ -z '$(BIN)' ]; then read -p "Please select installdir: " REPLY; mkdir -p $${REPLY};\ cp ./cmd/kratos/kratos $${REPLY}/;cp ./cmd/protoc-gen-go-errors/protoc-gen-go-errors $${REPLY}/;cp ./cmd/protoc-gen-go-http/protoc-gen-go-http $${REPLY}/;else mkdir -p '$(BIN)';\ cp ./cmd/kratos/kratos '$(BIN)';cp ./cmd/protoc-gen-go-errors/protoc-gen-go-errors '$(BIN)';cp ./cmd/protoc-gen-go-http/protoc-gen-go-http '$(BIN)'; fi) endif @which protoc-gen-go &> /dev/null || go get @which protoc-gen-go-grpc &> /dev/null || go get @which protoc-gen-validate &> /dev/null || go get @echo "install finished" .PHONY: uninstall uninstall: $(shell for i in `which -a kratos | grep -v '/usr/bin/kratos' 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq`; do read -p "Press to remove $${i} (y/n): " REPLY; if [ $${REPLY} = "y" ]; then rm -f $${i}; fi; done) $(shell for i in `which -a protoc-gen-go-grpc | grep -v '/usr/bin/protoc-gen-go-errors' 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq`; do read -p "Press to remove $${i} (y/n): " REPLY; if [ $${REPLY} = "y" ]; then rm -f $${i}; fi; done) $(shell for i in `which -a protoc-gen-validate | grep -v '/usr/bin/protoc-gen-go-errors' 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq`; do read -p "Press to remove $${i} (y/n): " REPLY; if [ $${REPLY} = "y" ]; then rm -f $${i}; fi; done) @echo "uninstall finished" .PHONY: clean clean: @${TOOLS_SHELL} tidy @rm cmd/kratos/kratos && rm cmd/protoc-gen-go-errors/protoc-gen-go-errors && rm cmd/protoc-gen-go-http/protoc-gen-go-http @echo "clean finished" .PHONY: fix fix: $(LINTER) @${TOOLS_SHELL} fix @echo "lint fix finished" .PHONY: test test: @${TOOLS_SHELL} test @echo "go test finished" .PHONY: test-coverage test-coverage: @${TOOLS_SHELL} test_coverage @echo "go test with coverage finished" .PHONY: lint lint: $(LINTER) @${TOOLS_SHELL} lint @echo "lint check finished" .PHONY: proto proto: protoc --proto_path=./api --proto_path=./third_party --go_out=paths=source_relative:./api --go-grpc_out=paths=source_relative:./api --go-http_out=paths=source_relative:./api metadata/metadata.proto protoc --proto_path=./third_party --go_out=paths=source_relative:./errors/errors.proto