package http

import (




var (
	_ transport.Server     = (*Server)(nil)
	_ transport.Endpointer = (*Server)(nil)

// ServerOption is an HTTP server option.
type ServerOption func(*Server)

// Network with server network.
func Network(network string) ServerOption {
	return func(s *Server) { = network

// Address with server address.
func Address(addr string) ServerOption {
	return func(s *Server) {
		s.address = addr

// Timeout with server timeout.
func Timeout(timeout time.Duration) ServerOption {
	return func(s *Server) {
		s.timeout = timeout

// Logger with server logger.
func Logger(logger log.Logger) ServerOption {
	return func(s *Server) {
		s.log = log.NewHelper(logger)

// Middleware with service middleware option.
func Middleware(m ...middleware.Middleware) ServerOption {
	return func(o *Server) { = m

// Filter with HTTP middleware option.
func Filter(filters ...FilterFunc) ServerOption {
	return func(o *Server) {
		o.filters = filters

// RequestDecoder with request decoder.
func RequestDecoder(dec DecodeRequestFunc) ServerOption {
	return func(o *Server) {
		o.dec = dec

// ResponseEncoder with response encoder.
func ResponseEncoder(en EncodeResponseFunc) ServerOption {
	return func(o *Server) {
		o.enc = en

// ErrorEncoder with error encoder.
func ErrorEncoder(en EncodeErrorFunc) ServerOption {
	return func(o *Server) {
		o.ene = en

// TLSConfig with TLS config.
func TLSConfig(c *tls.Config) ServerOption {
	return func(o *Server) {
		o.tlsConf = c

// StrictSlash is with mux's StrictSlash
// If true, when the path pattern is "/path/", accessing "/path" will
// redirect to the former and vice versa.
func StrictSlash(strictSlash bool) ServerOption {
	return func(o *Server) {
		o.strictSlash = strictSlash

// Listener with server lis
func Listener(lis net.Listener) ServerOption {
	return func(s *Server) {
		s.lis = lis

// Server is an HTTP server wrapper.
type Server struct {
	lis         net.Listener
	tlsConf     *tls.Config
	endpoint    *url.URL
	err         error
	network     string
	address     string
	timeout     time.Duration
	filters     []FilterFunc
	ms          []middleware.Middleware
	dec         DecodeRequestFunc
	enc         EncodeResponseFunc
	ene         EncodeErrorFunc
	strictSlash bool
	router      *mux.Router
	log         *log.Helper

// NewServer creates an HTTP server by options.
func NewServer(opts ...ServerOption) *Server {
	srv := &Server{
		network:     "tcp",
		address:     ":0",
		timeout:     1 * time.Second,
		dec:         DefaultRequestDecoder,
		enc:         DefaultResponseEncoder,
		ene:         DefaultErrorEncoder,
		strictSlash: true,
		log:         log.NewHelper(log.GetLogger()),
	for _, o := range opts {
	srv.router = mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(srv.strictSlash)
	srv.Server = &http.Server{
		Handler:   FilterChain(srv.filters...)(srv.router),
		TLSConfig: srv.tlsConf,
	srv.err = srv.listenAndEndpoint()
	return srv

// Route registers an HTTP router.
func (s *Server) Route(prefix string, filters ...FilterFunc) *Router {
	return newRouter(prefix, s, filters...)

// Handle registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path.
func (s *Server) Handle(path string, h http.Handler) {
	s.router.Handle(path, h)

// HandlePrefix registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path prefix.
func (s *Server) HandlePrefix(prefix string, h http.Handler) {

// HandleFunc registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path.
func (s *Server) HandleFunc(path string, h http.HandlerFunc) {
	s.router.HandleFunc(path, h)

// HandleHeader registers a new route with a matcher for the header.
func (s *Server) HandleHeader(key, val string, h http.HandlerFunc) {
	s.router.Headers(key, val).Handler(h)

// ServeHTTP should write reply headers and data to the ResponseWriter and then return.
func (s *Server) ServeHTTP(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	s.Handler.ServeHTTP(res, req)

func (s *Server) filter() mux.MiddlewareFunc {
	return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
		return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
			var (
				ctx    context.Context
				cancel context.CancelFunc
			if s.timeout > 0 {
				ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(req.Context(), s.timeout)
			} else {
				ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(req.Context())
			defer cancel()

			pathTemplate := req.URL.Path
			if route := mux.CurrentRoute(req); route != nil {
				// /path/123 -> /path/{id}
				pathTemplate, _ = route.GetPathTemplate()
			tr := &Transport{
				endpoint:     s.endpoint.String(),
				operation:    pathTemplate,
				reqHeader:    headerCarrier(req.Header),
				replyHeader:  headerCarrier(w.Header()),
				request:      req,
				pathTemplate: pathTemplate,
			ctx = transport.NewServerContext(ctx, tr)
			next.ServeHTTP(w, req.WithContext(ctx))

// Endpoint return a real address to registry endpoint.
// examples:
func (s *Server) Endpoint() (*url.URL, error) {
	if s.err != nil {
		return nil, s.err
	return s.endpoint, nil

// Start start the HTTP server.
func (s *Server) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
	if s.err != nil {
		return s.err
	s.BaseContext = func(net.Listener) context.Context {
		return ctx
	s.log.Infof("[HTTP] server listening on: %s", s.lis.Addr().String())
	var err error
	if s.tlsConf != nil {
		err = s.ServeTLS(s.lis, "", "")
	} else {
		err = s.Serve(s.lis)
	if !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
		return err
	return nil

// Stop stop the HTTP server.
func (s *Server) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
	s.log.Info("[HTTP] server stopping")
	return s.Shutdown(ctx)

func (s *Server) listenAndEndpoint() error {
	if s.lis == nil {
		lis, err := net.Listen(, s.address)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		s.lis = lis
	addr, err := host.Extract(s.address, s.lis)
	if err != nil {
		_ = s.lis.Close()
		return err
	s.endpoint = endpoint.NewEndpoint("http", addr, s.tlsConf != nil)
	return nil