// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

syntax = "proto3";

package google.cloud.webrisk.v1beta1;

import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.WebRisk.V1Beta1";
option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/webrisk/v1beta1;webrisk";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "WebRiskProto";
option java_package = "com.google.webrisk.v1beta1";
option objc_class_prefix = "GCWR";
option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\WebRisk\\V1beta1";

// Web Risk v1beta1 API defines an interface to detect malicious URLs on your
// website and in client applications.
service WebRiskServiceV1Beta1 {
  // Gets the most recent threat list diffs.
  rpc ComputeThreatListDiff(ComputeThreatListDiffRequest)
      returns (ComputeThreatListDiffResponse) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      get: "/v1beta1/threatLists:computeDiff"

  // This method is used to check whether a URI is on a given threatList.
  rpc SearchUris(SearchUrisRequest) returns (SearchUrisResponse) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      get: "/v1beta1/uris:search"

  // Gets the full hashes that match the requested hash prefix.
  // This is used after a hash prefix is looked up in a threatList
  // and there is a match. The client side threatList only holds partial hashes
  // so the client must query this method to determine if there is a full
  // hash match of a threat.
  rpc SearchHashes(SearchHashesRequest) returns (SearchHashesResponse) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      get: "/v1beta1/hashes:search"

// Describes an API diff request.
message ComputeThreatListDiffRequest {
  // The constraints for this diff.
  message Constraints {
    // The maximum size in number of entries. The diff will not contain more
    // entries than this value.  This should be a power of 2 between 2**10 and
    // 2**20.  If zero, no diff size limit is set.
    int32 max_diff_entries = 1;

    // Sets the maximum number of entries that the client is willing to have
    // in the local database. This should be a power of 2 between 2**10 and
    // 2**20. If zero, no database size limit is set.
    int32 max_database_entries = 2;

    // The compression types supported by the client.
    repeated CompressionType supported_compressions = 3;

  // Required. The ThreatList to update.
  ThreatType threat_type = 1;

  // The current version token of the client for the requested list (the
  // client version that was received from the last successful diff).
  bytes version_token = 2;

  // The constraints associated with this request.
  Constraints constraints = 3;

message ComputeThreatListDiffResponse {
  // The expected state of a client's local database.
  message Checksum {
    // The SHA256 hash of the client state; that is, of the sorted list of all
    // hashes present in the database.
    bytes sha256 = 1;

  // The type of response sent to the client.
  enum ResponseType {
    // Unknown.

    // Partial updates are applied to the client's existing local database.
    DIFF = 1;

    // Full updates resets the client's entire local database. This means
    // that either the client had no state, was seriously out-of-date,
    // or the client is believed to be corrupt.
    RESET = 2;

  // The type of response. This may indicate that an action is required by the
  // client when the response is received.
  ResponseType response_type = 4;

  // A set of entries to add to a local threat type's list.
  ThreatEntryAdditions additions = 5;

  // A set of entries to remove from a local threat type's list.
  // This field may be empty.
  ThreatEntryRemovals removals = 6;

  // The new opaque client version token.
  bytes new_version_token = 7;

  // The expected SHA256 hash of the client state; that is, of the sorted list
  // of all hashes present in the database after applying the provided diff.
  // If the client state doesn't match the expected state, the client must
  // disregard this diff and retry later.
  Checksum checksum = 8;

  // The soonest the client should wait before issuing any diff
  // request. Querying sooner is unlikely to produce a meaningful diff.
  // Waiting longer is acceptable considering the use case.
  // If this field is not set clients may update as soon as they want.
  google.protobuf.Timestamp recommended_next_diff = 2;

// Request to check URI entries against threatLists.
message SearchUrisRequest {
  // The URI to be checked for matches.
  string uri = 1;

  // Required. The ThreatLists to search in.
  repeated ThreatType threat_types = 2;

message SearchUrisResponse {
  // Contains threat information on a matching uri.
  message ThreatUri {
    // The ThreatList this threat belongs to.
    repeated ThreatType threat_types = 1;

    // The cache lifetime for the returned match. Clients must not cache this
    // response past this timestamp to avoid false positives.
    google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_time = 2;

  // The threat list matches. This may be empty if the URI is on no list.
  ThreatUri threat = 1;

// Request to return full hashes matched by the provided hash prefixes.
message SearchHashesRequest {
  // A hash prefix, consisting of the most significant 4-32 bytes of a SHA256
  // hash. For JSON requests, this field is base64-encoded.
  bytes hash_prefix = 1;

  // Required. The ThreatLists to search in.
  repeated ThreatType threat_types = 2;

message SearchHashesResponse {
  // Contains threat information on a matching hash.
  message ThreatHash {
    // The ThreatList this threat belongs to.
    // This must contain at least one entry.
    repeated ThreatType threat_types = 1;

    // A 32 byte SHA256 hash. This field is in binary format. For JSON
    // requests, hashes are base64-encoded.
    bytes hash = 2;

    // The cache lifetime for the returned match. Clients must not cache this
    // response past this timestamp to avoid false positives.
    google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_time = 3;

  // The full hashes that matched the requested prefixes.
  // The hash will be populated in the key.
  repeated ThreatHash threats = 1;

  // For requested entities that did not match the threat list, how long to
  // cache the response until.
  google.protobuf.Timestamp negative_expire_time = 2;

// Contains the set of entries to add to a local database.
// May contain a combination of compressed and raw data in a single response.
message ThreatEntryAdditions {
  // The raw SHA256-formatted entries.
  // Repeated to allow returning sets of hashes with different prefix sizes.
  repeated RawHashes raw_hashes = 1;

  // The encoded 4-byte prefixes of SHA256-formatted entries, using a
  // Golomb-Rice encoding. The hashes are converted to uint32, sorted in
  // ascending order, then delta encoded and stored as encoded_data.
  RiceDeltaEncoding rice_hashes = 2;

// Contains the set of entries to remove from a local database.
message ThreatEntryRemovals {
  // The raw removal indices for a local list.
  RawIndices raw_indices = 1;

  // The encoded local, lexicographically-sorted list indices, using a
  // Golomb-Rice encoding. Used for sending compressed removal indices. The
  // removal indices (uint32) are sorted in ascending order, then delta encoded
  // and stored as encoded_data.
  RiceDeltaEncoding rice_indices = 2;

// The type of threat. This maps dirrectly to the threat list a threat may
// belong to.
enum ThreatType {
  // Unknown.

  // Malware targeting any platform.
  MALWARE = 1;

  // Social engineering targeting any platform.

  // Unwanted software targeting any platform.

// The ways in which threat entry sets can be compressed.
enum CompressionType {
  // Unknown.

  // Raw, uncompressed data.
  RAW = 1;

  // Rice-Golomb encoded data.
  RICE = 2;

// A set of raw indices to remove from a local list.
message RawIndices {
  // The indices to remove from a lexicographically-sorted local list.
  repeated int32 indices = 1;

// The uncompressed threat entries in hash format.
// Hashes can be anywhere from 4 to 32 bytes in size. A large majority are 4
// bytes, but some hashes are lengthened if they collide with the hash of a
// popular URI.
// Used for sending ThreatEntryAdditons to clients that do not support
// compression, or when sending non-4-byte hashes to clients that do support
// compression.
message RawHashes {
  // The number of bytes for each prefix encoded below.  This field can be
  // anywhere from 4 (shortest prefix) to 32 (full SHA256 hash).
  int32 prefix_size = 1;

  // The hashes, in binary format, concatenated into one long string. Hashes are
  // sorted in lexicographic order. For JSON API users, hashes are
  // base64-encoded.
  bytes raw_hashes = 2;

// The Rice-Golomb encoded data. Used for sending compressed 4-byte hashes or
// compressed removal indices.
message RiceDeltaEncoding {
  // The offset of the first entry in the encoded data, or, if only a single
  // integer was encoded, that single integer's value. If the field is empty or
  // missing, assume zero.
  int64 first_value = 1;

  // The Golomb-Rice parameter, which is a number between 2 and 28. This field
  // is missing (that is, zero) if `num_entries` is zero.
  int32 rice_parameter = 2;

  // The number of entries that are delta encoded in the encoded data. If only a
  // single integer was encoded, this will be zero and the single value will be
  // stored in `first_value`.
  int32 entry_count = 3;

  // The encoded deltas that are encoded using the Golomb-Rice coder.
  bytes encoded_data = 4;