// Copyright 2018 Google LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

syntax = "proto3";

package google.devtools.resultstore.v2;

import "google/devtools/resultstore/v2/common.proto";
import "google/devtools/resultstore/v2/coverage.proto";
import "google/devtools/resultstore/v2/file.proto";
import "google/devtools/resultstore/v2/test_suite.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";

option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/resultstore/v2;resultstore";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "com.google.devtools.resultstore.v2";

// An action that happened as part of a configured target. This action could be
// a build, a test, or another type of action.
// Each parent ConfiguredTarget resource should have at least one Action as its
// child resource before the invocation is finalized. ResultStore is a tool to
// store build & test results. ConfiguredTarget proto by itself does not contain
// enough fields to fully represent such results. For a simple build, at least
// one build action is required to represent the build result.
message Action {
  // The resource ID components that identify the Action.
  message Id {
    // The Invocation ID.
    string invocation_id = 1;

    // The Target ID.
    string target_id = 2;

    // The Configuration ID.
    string configuration_id = 3;

    // The Action ID.
    string action_id = 4;

  // The resource name.  Its format must be:
  // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/targets/${TARGET_ID}/configuredTargets/${CONFIG_ID}/actions/${ACTION_ID}
  string name = 1;

  // The resource ID components that identify the Action. They must match the
  // resource name after proper encoding.
  Id id = 2;

  // The status of the action.
  StatusAttributes status_attributes = 3;

  // The timing of the whole action. For TestActions, the start time may be
  // before the test actually started, and the duration may last until after the
  // test actually finished.
  Timing timing = 4;

  // The type of the action. The type of an action may not change over the
  // lifetime of the invocation. If one of these fields is to be set, it must be
  // set in the CreateAction method. It may be set to an empty message that is
  // populated in later methods or post-processing. A generic "untyped" action
  // can be created by not setting any of these fields. An untyped action will
  // be untyped for the lifetime of the invocation.
  oneof action_type {
    // Used only when this action represents a build action.
    BuildAction build_action = 9;

    // Only for test actions.
    TestAction test_action = 10;

  // General attributes of the action.
  ActionAttributes action_attributes = 5;

  // A list of resources that this action depended upon. May be used to provide
  // the cause of a build failure in the case of a failed build action.
  repeated Dependency action_dependencies = 14;

  // Arbitrary name-value pairs.
  // This is implemented as a multi-map. Multiple properties are allowed with
  // the same key. Properties will be returned in lexicographical order by key.
  repeated Property properties = 7;

  // A list of file references for action level files.
  // The file IDs must be unique within this list. Duplicate file IDs will
  // result in an error. Files will be returned in lexicographical order by ID.
  // Files with the following reserved file IDs cause specific post-processing
  // or have special handling:
  // For build actions:
  // stdout: The stdout of the action
  // stderr: The stderr of the action
  // baseline.lcov: Baseline coverage file to be parsed by the server. This
  //     uses a stripped down implementation of the LCOV standard.
  //     http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov/geninfo.1.php
  // For test actions:
  // test.xml: The test suite / test case data in XML format.
  // test.log: The combined stdout and stderr of the test process.
  // test.lcov: Coverage file to be parsed by the server. This uses a stripped
  //     down implementation of the LCOV standard.
  //     http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov/geninfo.1.php
  repeated File files = 8;

  // Coverage data was collected while running the build or test action. This
  // usually includes line coverage, and may also include branch coverage.
  // For test actions, this is usually only for the source files which were
  // actually executed by that particular action.
  // For build actions, this is the baseline coverage, which captures the
  // instrumented files and lines, without any lines being executed. This
  // ensures files that are never covered at all are included.
  ActionCoverage coverage = 11;

  // ResultStore will read and parse Files with reserved IDs listed above. Read
  // and parse errors for all these Files are reported here.
  // This is implemented as a map, with one FileProcessingErrors for each file.
  // Typically produced when parsing Files, but may also be provided directly
  // by clients.
  repeated FileProcessingErrors file_processing_errors = 13;

// A build action, such as building a java library.
message BuildAction {
  // The type of the action.  This is intended to be a clue as to how the output
  // of the action should be parsed. For example "javac" for a Java compile
  // action.
  string type = 1;

  // The "primary" input artifact processed by this action.  E.g., the .cc file
  // of a C++ compile action.  Empty string ("") if the action has no input
  // artifacts or no "primary" input artifact.
  string primary_input_path = 2;

  // The "primary" output artifact processed by this action.  E.g., the .o file
  // of a C++ compile action.  Empty string ("") if the action has no output
  // artifacts or no "primary" output artifact.
  string primary_output_path = 3;

// A test action, such as running a JUnit4 test binary.
message TestAction {
  // Timing data for execution of the test action.
  TestTiming test_timing = 1;

  // If the test is divided up into shards to improve performance, set this to
  // indicate which shard this test action is for. Value must be in interval
  // [0, total_shard_count). Defaults to 0, which is appropriate if all test
  // cases are run in the same process.
  int32 shard_number = 2;

  // If the user requested that every test be run multiple times, as is often
  // done to measure flakiness, set this to indicate which run this test action
  // is for. Value must be in interval [0, total_run_count). Defaults to 0,
  // which is appropriate if multiple runs were not requested.
  int32 run_number = 3;

  // If flaky tests are automatically retried, set this to indicate which
  // attempt this test action is for. (e.g. 0 for the first attempt, 1 for
  // second, and so on). Defaults to 0, which is appropriate if this is only
  // attempt.
  int32 attempt_number = 4;

  // A tree of test suites and test cases that were run by this test action.
  // Each test case has its own status information, including stack traces.
  // Typically produced by parsing an XML Log, but may also be provided directly
  // by clients.
  TestSuite test_suite = 5;

  // Warnings for this test action.
  repeated TestWarning warnings = 8;

  // Estimated memory consumption of the test action, in bytes. A default value
  // of 0 means there is no memory consumption estimate specified.
  int64 estimated_memory_bytes = 10;

// General attributes of an action
message ActionAttributes {
  // Strategy used for executing the action.
  ExecutionStrategy execution_strategy = 1;

  // Exit code of the process that ran the action. A non-zero value means
  // failure.
  int32 exit_code = 2;

  // Where the action was run.
  string hostname = 3;

  // Information about the input files used in all actions under this configured
  // target.
  InputFileInfo input_file_info = 4;

// File count and size information for the input files to a configured target.
message InputFileInfo {
  // The number of input files (counting every file, even if a duplicate).
  int64 count = 1;

  // The number of distinct input files.
  int64 distinct_count = 2;

  // The max number of input files allowed by the build system (counting every
  // file, even if a duplicate).
  int64 count_limit = 3;

  // The total size of the distinct input files.
  int64 distinct_bytes = 4;

  // The max allowed total size of the distinct input files.
  int64 distinct_byte_limit = 5;

// Timing data for tests executed locally on the machine running the build.
message LocalTestTiming {
  // Time taken by the test process, typically surrounded by a small wrapper
  // script.
  google.protobuf.Duration test_process_duration = 1;

// Timing data for one attempt to execute a test action remotely.
message RemoteTestAttemptTiming {
  // Idle period before the test process is invoked on the remote machine.
  google.protobuf.Duration queue_duration = 1;

  // Time to upload data dependencies from the local machine to the remote
  // machine running the test, or to the distributed cache.
  google.protobuf.Duration upload_duration = 2;

  // Time to set up the remote machine.
  // Not to be confused with setup time in
  // xUnit test frameworks, which falls within the test_process_time.
  google.protobuf.Duration machine_setup_duration = 3;

  // Time taken by the test process, typically surrounded by a small wrapper
  // script.
  // For Java tests, this includes JVM setup, flag parsing, class path setup,
  // parsing files to setup the suite, and finally running your test methods.
  // In many cases, only a small fraction of the test process time is spent
  // running the test methods.
  google.protobuf.Duration test_process_duration = 4;

  // Time spent retrieving test logs and any other test outputs, back to the
  // local machine.
  google.protobuf.Duration download_duration = 5;

// Timing data for the part of the test execution that is done remotely.
message RemoteTestTiming {
  // Time taken locally to determine what to do.
  google.protobuf.Duration local_analysis_duration = 1;

  // Normally there is only one attempt, but the system may retry on internal
  // errors, leading to multiple attempts.
  repeated RemoteTestAttemptTiming attempts = 2;

// Timing data for execution of a test action. The action may be performed
// locally, on the machine running the build, or remotely.
message TestTiming {
  // Test timing for either a local or remote execution.
  oneof location {
    // Used for local test actions.
    LocalTestTiming local = 1;

    // Used for remote test actions.
    RemoteTestTiming remote = 2;

  // The amount of CPU time spent by the test process executing system calls
  // within the kernel, as opposed to library code. Time the test process spent
  // blocked does not count towards this figure.
  google.protobuf.Duration system_time_duration = 3;

  // The amount of CPU time spent by the test process executing user-mode code
  // outside the kernel, as opposed to library code. Time the test process
  // spent blocked does not count towards this figure. You can add user_time to
  // system_time to get total CPU time taken by the test process.
  google.protobuf.Duration user_time_duration = 4;

  // Most build systems cache build results to speed up incremental builds.
  // Some also cache test results too. This indicates whether the test results
  // were found in a cache, and where that cache was located.
  TestCaching test_caching = 5;

// A warning from a test execution.
message TestWarning {
  // Contains the message detailing the warning.
  string warning_message = 1;

// Stores errors reading or parsing a file during post-processing.
message FileProcessingErrors {
  // The uid of the File being read or parsed.
  string file_uid = 1;

  // What went wrong.
  repeated FileProcessingError file_processing_errors = 3;

// Stores an error reading or parsing a file during post-processing.
message FileProcessingError {
  // The type of error that occurred.
  FileProcessingErrorType type = 1;

  // Error message describing the problem.
  string message = 2;

// Indicates how/where this Action was executed.
enum ExecutionStrategy {
  // The action did not indicate how it was executed.

  // The action was executed in some other form.

  // The action used a remote build service.

  // The action was executed locally, in parallel with other actions.

  // The action was executed locally, without parallelism.

// Most build systems cache build results to speed up incremental builds.
// Some also cache test results too. This indicates whether the test results
// were found in a cache, and where that cache was located.
enum TestCaching {
  // The implicit default enum value. Should never be set.

  // The test result was found in a local cache, so it wasn't run again.

  // The test result was found in a remote cache, so it wasn't run again.

  // The test result was not found in any cache, so it had to be run again.

// Errors in file post-processing are categorized using this enum.
enum FileProcessingErrorType {
  // Type unspecified or not listed here.

  // A read error occurred trying to read the file.

  // There was an error trying to parse the file.

  // File is exceeds size limit.

  // The result of parsing the file exceeded size limit.

  // Read access to the file was denied by file system.

  // Deadline exceeded trying to read the file.

  // File not found.
  NOT_FOUND = 7;