run: timeout: 5m modules-download-mode: readonly linters: disable-all: true fast: false enable: - bodyclose - deadcode - dogsled - durationcheck - errcheck - exportloopref - govet - gosimple - gofmt - gofumpt - goconst - goimports - gomnd - gocyclo - ineffassign - lll - prealloc - revive - staticcheck - structcheck - typecheck - unused - varcheck - whitespace - wastedassign - unconvert # don't enable: # - asciicheck # - scopelint # - gochecknoglobals # - gocognit # - godot # - godox # - goerr113 # - interfacer # - maligned # - nestif # - prealloc # - testpackage # - stylrcheck # - wsl linters-settings: govet: check-shadowing: true whitespace: multi-func: true lll: line-length: 160 gomnd: # don't include the "operation", "argument" and "assign" checks: - case - condition - return goconst: ignore-tests: true gocyclo: # recommend 10-20 min-complexity: 50 goimports: local-prefixes: # Put imports beginning with prefix after 3rd-party packages