syntax = "proto3";
package dapper.trace;

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";

option go_package = "protogen";

message Tag {
  enum Kind {
    STRING = 0;
    INT = 1;
    BOOL = 2;
    FLOAT = 3;
  string key = 1;
  Kind kind = 2;
  bytes value = 3;

message Field {
  string key = 1;
  bytes value = 2;

message Log {
  // Deprecated: Kind no long use
  enum Kind {
    STRING = 0;
    INT = 1;
    BOOL = 2;
    FLOAT = 3;
  string key = 1;
  // Deprecated: Kind no long use
  Kind kind = 2;
  // Deprecated: Value no long use
  bytes value = 3;
  int64 timestamp = 4;
  repeated Field fields = 5;

// SpanRef describes causal relationship of the current span to another span (e.g. 'child-of')
message SpanRef {
  enum RefType {
    CHILD_OF = 0;
  RefType ref_type = 1;
  uint64 trace_id = 2;
  uint64 span_id = 3;

// Span represents a named unit of work performed by a service.
message Span {
  int32 version = 99;
  string service_name = 1;
  string operation_name = 2;
  // Deprecated: caller no long required
  string caller = 3;
  uint64 trace_id = 4;
  uint64 span_id = 5;
  uint64 parent_id = 6;
  // Deprecated: level no long required
  int32  level = 7;
  // Deprecated: use start_time instead instead of start_at
  int64 start_at = 8;
  // Deprecated: use duration instead instead of finish_at
  int64 finish_at = 9;
  float sampling_probability = 10;
  string env = 19;
  google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 20;
  google.protobuf.Duration duration = 21;
  repeated SpanRef references = 22;
  repeated Tag tags = 11;
  repeated Log logs = 12;