// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

syntax = "proto3";

package google.privacy.dlp.v2;

import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/api/resource.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2";
option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/privacy/dlp/v2;dlp";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "DlpStorage";
option java_package = "com.google.privacy.dlp.v2";
option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\Dlp\\V2";

// Type of information detected by the API.
message InfoType {
  // Name of the information type. Either a name of your choosing when
  // creating a CustomInfoType, or one of the names listed
  // at https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference when specifying
  // a built-in type. InfoType names should conform to the pattern
  // [a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,64}.
  string name = 1;

// A reference to a StoredInfoType to use with scanning.
message StoredType {
  // Resource name of the requested `StoredInfoType`, for example
  // `organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342` or
  // `projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342`.
  string name = 1;

  // Timestamp indicating when the version of the `StoredInfoType` used for
  // inspection was created. Output-only field, populated by the system.
  google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 2;

// Categorization of results based on how likely they are to represent a match,
// based on the number of elements they contain which imply a match.
enum Likelihood {
  // Default value; same as POSSIBLE.

  // Few matching elements.


  // Some matching elements.

  LIKELY = 4;

  // Many matching elements.

// Custom information type provided by the user. Used to find domain-specific
// sensitive information configurable to the data in question.
message CustomInfoType {
  // Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases. This can
  // be used to match sensitive information specific to the data, such as a list
  // of employee IDs or job titles.
  // Dictionary words are case-insensitive and all characters other than letters
  // and digits in the unicode [Basic Multilingual
  // Plane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plane_%28Unicode%29#Basic_Multilingual_Plane)
  // will be replaced with whitespace when scanning for matches, so the
  // dictionary phrase "Sam Johnson" will match all three phrases "sam johnson",
  // "Sam, Johnson", and "Sam (Johnson)". Additionally, the characters
  // surrounding any match must be of a different type than the adjacent
  // characters within the word, so letters must be next to non-letters and
  // digits next to non-digits. For example, the dictionary word "jen" will
  // match the first three letters of the text "jen123" but will return no
  // matches for "jennifer".
  // Dictionary words containing a large number of characters that are not
  // letters or digits may result in unexpected findings because such characters
  // are treated as whitespace. The
  // [limits](https://cloud.google.com/dlp/limits) page contains details about
  // the size limits of dictionaries. For dictionaries that do not fit within
  // these constraints, consider using `LargeCustomDictionaryConfig` in the
  // `StoredInfoType` API.
  message Dictionary {
    // Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data.
    message WordList {
      // Words or phrases defining the dictionary. The dictionary must contain
      // at least one phrase and every phrase must contain at least 2 characters
      // that are letters or digits. [required]
      repeated string words = 1;

    oneof source {
      // List of words or phrases to search for.
      WordList word_list = 1;

      // Newline-delimited file of words in Cloud Storage. Only a single file
      // is accepted.
      CloudStoragePath cloud_storage_path = 3;

  // Message defining a custom regular expression.
  message Regex {
    // Pattern defining the regular expression. Its syntax
    // (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax) can be found under the
    // google/re2 repository on GitHub.
    string pattern = 1;

    // The index of the submatch to extract as findings. When not
    // specified, the entire match is returned. No more than 3 may be included.
    repeated int32 group_indexes = 2;

  // Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations
  // such as
  // [`CryptoReplaceFfxFpeConfig`](/dlp/docs/reference/rest/v2/organizations.deidentifyTemplates#cryptoreplaceffxfpeconfig).
  // These types of transformations are
  // those that perform pseudonymization, thereby producing a "surrogate" as
  // output. This should be used in conjunction with a field on the
  // transformation such as `surrogate_info_type`. This CustomInfoType does
  // not support the use of `detection_rules`.
  message SurrogateType {


  // Rule for modifying a CustomInfoType to alter behavior under certain
  // circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rule. Not supported
  // for the `surrogate_type` custom info type.
  message DetectionRule {
    // Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection
    // rule.
    message Proximity {
      // Number of characters before the finding to consider.
      int32 window_before = 1;

      // Number of characters after the finding to consider.
      int32 window_after = 2;

    // Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as
    // part of a detection rule.
    message LikelihoodAdjustment {
      oneof adjustment {
        // Set the likelihood of a finding to a fixed value.
        Likelihood fixed_likelihood = 1;

        // Increase or decrease the likelihood by the specified number of
        // levels. For example, if a finding would be `POSSIBLE` without the
        // detection rule and `relative_likelihood` is 1, then it is upgraded to
        // `LIKELY`, while a value of -1 would downgrade it to `UNLIKELY`.
        // Likelihood may never drop below `VERY_UNLIKELY` or exceed
        // `VERY_LIKELY`, so applying an adjustment of 1 followed by an
        // adjustment of -1 when base likelihood is `VERY_LIKELY` will result in
        // a final likelihood of `LIKELY`.
        int32 relative_likelihood = 2;

    // The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain
    // proximity of hotwords.
    message HotwordRule {
      // Regular expression pattern defining what qualifies as a hotword.
      Regex hotword_regex = 1;

      // Proximity of the finding within which the entire hotword must reside.
      // The total length of the window cannot exceed 1000 characters. Note that
      // the finding itself will be included in the window, so that hotwords may
      // be used to match substrings of the finding itself. For example, the
      // certainty of a phone number regex "\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}" could be
      // adjusted upwards if the area code is known to be the local area code of
      // a company office using the hotword regex "\(xxx\)", where "xxx"
      // is the area code in question.
      Proximity proximity = 2;

      // Likelihood adjustment to apply to all matching findings.
      LikelihoodAdjustment likelihood_adjustment = 3;

    oneof type {
      // Hotword-based detection rule.
      HotwordRule hotword_rule = 1;

  enum ExclusionType {
    // A finding of this custom info type will not be excluded from results.

    // A finding of this custom info type will be excluded from final results,
    // but can still affect rule execution.

  // CustomInfoType can either be a new infoType, or an extension of built-in
  // infoType, when the name matches one of existing infoTypes and that infoType
  // is specified in `InspectContent.info_types` field. Specifying the latter
  // adds findings to the one detected by the system. If built-in info type is
  // not specified in `InspectContent.info_types` list then the name is treated
  // as a custom info type.
  InfoType info_type = 1;

  // Likelihood to return for this CustomInfoType. This base value can be
  // altered by a detection rule if the finding meets the criteria specified by
  // the rule. Defaults to `VERY_LIKELY` if not specified.
  Likelihood likelihood = 6;

  oneof type {
    // A list of phrases to detect as a CustomInfoType.
    Dictionary dictionary = 2;

    // Regular expression based CustomInfoType.
    Regex regex = 3;

    // Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations that
    // support reversing.
    SurrogateType surrogate_type = 4;

    // Load an existing `StoredInfoType` resource for use in
    // `InspectDataSource`. Not currently supported in `InspectContent`.
    StoredType stored_type = 5;

  // Set of detection rules to apply to all findings of this CustomInfoType.
  // Rules are applied in order that they are specified. Not supported for the
  // `surrogate_type` CustomInfoType.
  repeated DetectionRule detection_rules = 7;

  // If set to EXCLUSION_TYPE_EXCLUDE this infoType will not cause a finding
  // to be returned. It still can be used for rules matching.
  ExclusionType exclusion_type = 8;

// General identifier of a data field in a storage service.
message FieldId {
  // Name describing the field.
  string name = 1;

// Datastore partition ID.
// A partition ID identifies a grouping of entities. The grouping is always
// by project and namespace, however the namespace ID may be empty.
// A partition ID contains several dimensions:
// project ID and namespace ID.
message PartitionId {
  // The ID of the project to which the entities belong.
  string project_id = 2;

  // If not empty, the ID of the namespace to which the entities belong.
  string namespace_id = 4;

// A representation of a Datastore kind.
message KindExpression {
  // The name of the kind.
  string name = 1;

// Options defining a data set within Google Cloud Datastore.
message DatastoreOptions {
  // A partition ID identifies a grouping of entities. The grouping is always
  // by project and namespace, however the namespace ID may be empty.
  PartitionId partition_id = 1;

  // The kind to process.
  KindExpression kind = 2;

// Message representing a set of files in a Cloud Storage bucket. Regular
// expressions are used to allow fine-grained control over which files in the
// bucket to include.
// Included files are those that match at least one item in `include_regex` and
// do not match any items in `exclude_regex`. Note that a file that matches
// items from both lists will _not_ be included. For a match to occur, the
// entire file path (i.e., everything in the url after the bucket name) must
// match the regular expression.
// For example, given the input `{bucket_name: "mybucket", include_regex:
// ["directory1/.*"], exclude_regex:
// ["directory1/excluded.*"]}`:
// * `gs://mybucket/directory1/myfile` will be included
// * `gs://mybucket/directory1/directory2/myfile` will be included (`.*` matches
// across `/`)
// * `gs://mybucket/directory0/directory1/myfile` will _not_ be included (the
// full path doesn't match any items in `include_regex`)
// * `gs://mybucket/directory1/excludedfile` will _not_ be included (the path
// matches an item in `exclude_regex`)
// If `include_regex` is left empty, it will match all files by default
// (this is equivalent to setting `include_regex: [".*"]`).
// Some other common use cases:
// * `{bucket_name: "mybucket", exclude_regex: [".*\.pdf"]}` will include all
// files in `mybucket` except for .pdf files
// * `{bucket_name: "mybucket", include_regex: ["directory/[^/]+"]}` will
// include all files directly under `gs://mybucket/directory/`, without matching
// across `/`
message CloudStorageRegexFileSet {
  // The name of a Cloud Storage bucket. Required.
  string bucket_name = 1;

  // A list of regular expressions matching file paths to include. All files in
  // the bucket that match at least one of these regular expressions will be
  // included in the set of files, except for those that also match an item in
  // `exclude_regex`. Leaving this field empty will match all files by default
  // (this is equivalent to including `.*` in the list).
  // Regular expressions use RE2
  // [syntax](https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax); a guide can be found
  // under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
  repeated string include_regex = 2;

  // A list of regular expressions matching file paths to exclude. All files in
  // the bucket that match at least one of these regular expressions will be
  // excluded from the scan.
  // Regular expressions use RE2
  // [syntax](https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax); a guide can be found
  // under the google/re2 repository on GitHub.
  repeated string exclude_regex = 3;

// Options defining a file or a set of files within a Google Cloud Storage
// bucket.
message CloudStorageOptions {
  // Set of files to scan.
  message FileSet {
    // The Cloud Storage url of the file(s) to scan, in the format
    // `gs://<bucket>/<path>`. Trailing wildcard in the path is allowed.
    // If the url ends in a trailing slash, the bucket or directory represented
    // by the url will be scanned non-recursively (content in sub-directories
    // will not be scanned). This means that `gs://mybucket/` is equivalent to
    // `gs://mybucket/*`, and `gs://mybucket/directory/` is equivalent to
    // `gs://mybucket/directory/*`.
    // Exactly one of `url` or `regex_file_set` must be set.
    string url = 1;

    // The regex-filtered set of files to scan. Exactly one of `url` or
    // `regex_file_set` must be set.
    CloudStorageRegexFileSet regex_file_set = 2;

  // How to sample bytes if not all bytes are scanned. Meaningful only when used
  // in conjunction with bytes_limit_per_file. If not specified, scanning would
  // start from the top.
  enum SampleMethod {

    // Scan from the top (default).
    TOP = 1;

    // For each file larger than bytes_limit_per_file, randomly pick the offset
    // to start scanning. The scanned bytes are contiguous.

  // The set of one or more files to scan.
  FileSet file_set = 1;

  // Max number of bytes to scan from a file. If a scanned file's size is bigger
  // than this value then the rest of the bytes are omitted. Only one
  // of bytes_limit_per_file and bytes_limit_per_file_percent can be specified.
  int64 bytes_limit_per_file = 4;

  // Max percentage of bytes to scan from a file. The rest are omitted. The
  // number of bytes scanned is rounded down. Must be between 0 and 100,
  // inclusively. Both 0 and 100 means no limit. Defaults to 0. Only one
  // of bytes_limit_per_file and bytes_limit_per_file_percent can be specified.
  int32 bytes_limit_per_file_percent = 8;

  // List of file type groups to include in the scan.
  // If empty, all files are scanned and available data format processors
  // are applied. In addition, the binary content of the selected files
  // is always scanned as well.
  repeated FileType file_types = 5;

  SampleMethod sample_method = 6;

  // Limits the number of files to scan to this percentage of the input FileSet.
  // Number of files scanned is rounded down. Must be between 0 and 100,
  // inclusively. Both 0 and 100 means no limit. Defaults to 0.
  int32 files_limit_percent = 7;

// Message representing a set of files in Cloud Storage.
message CloudStorageFileSet {
  // The url, in the format `gs://<bucket>/<path>`. Trailing wildcard in the
  // path is allowed.
  string url = 1;

// Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage.
message CloudStoragePath {
  // A url representing a file or path (no wildcards) in Cloud Storage.
  // Example: gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/dictionary.txt
  string path = 1;

// Options defining BigQuery table and row identifiers.
message BigQueryOptions {
  // How to sample rows if not all rows are scanned. Meaningful only when used
  // in conjunction with either rows_limit or rows_limit_percent. If not
  // specified, scanning would start from the top.
  enum SampleMethod {

    // Scan from the top (default).
    TOP = 1;

    // Randomly pick the row to start scanning. The scanned rows are contiguous.

  // Complete BigQuery table reference.
  BigQueryTable table_reference = 1;

  // References to fields uniquely identifying rows within the table.
  // Nested fields in the format, like `person.birthdate.year`, are allowed.
  repeated FieldId identifying_fields = 2;

  // Max number of rows to scan. If the table has more rows than this value, the
  // rest of the rows are omitted. If not set, or if set to 0, all rows will be
  // scanned. Only one of rows_limit and rows_limit_percent can be specified.
  // Cannot be used in conjunction with TimespanConfig.
  int64 rows_limit = 3;

  // Max percentage of rows to scan. The rest are omitted. The number of rows
  // scanned is rounded down. Must be between 0 and 100, inclusively. Both 0 and
  // 100 means no limit. Defaults to 0. Only one of rows_limit and
  // rows_limit_percent can be specified. Cannot be used in conjunction with
  // TimespanConfig.
  int32 rows_limit_percent = 6;

  SampleMethod sample_method = 4;

  // References to fields excluded from scanning. This allows you to skip
  // inspection of entire columns which you know have no findings.
  repeated FieldId excluded_fields = 5;

// Shared message indicating Cloud storage type.
message StorageConfig {
  // Configuration of the timespan of the items to include in scanning.
  // Currently only supported when inspecting Google Cloud Storage and BigQuery.
  message TimespanConfig {
    // Exclude files or rows older than this value.
    google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 1;

    // Exclude files or rows newer than this value.
    // If set to zero, no upper time limit is applied.
    google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 2;

    // Specification of the field containing the timestamp of scanned items.
    // Used for data sources like Datastore or BigQuery.
    // If not specified for BigQuery, table last modification timestamp
    // is checked against given time span.
    // The valid data types of the timestamp field are:
    // for BigQuery - timestamp, date, datetime;
    // for Datastore - timestamp.
    // Datastore entity will be scanned if the timestamp property does not exist
    // or its value is empty or invalid.
    FieldId timestamp_field = 3;

    // When the job is started by a JobTrigger we will automatically figure out
    // a valid start_time to avoid scanning files that have not been modified
    // since the last time the JobTrigger executed. This will be based on the
    // time of the execution of the last run of the JobTrigger.
    bool enable_auto_population_of_timespan_config = 4;

  oneof type {
    // Google Cloud Datastore options specification.
    DatastoreOptions datastore_options = 2;

    // Google Cloud Storage options specification.
    CloudStorageOptions cloud_storage_options = 3;

    // BigQuery options specification.
    BigQueryOptions big_query_options = 4;

  TimespanConfig timespan_config = 6;

// Definitions of file type groups to scan.
enum FileType {
  // Includes all files.

  // Includes all file extensions not covered by text file types.

  // Included file extensions:
  //   asc, brf, c, cc, cpp, csv, cxx, c++, cs, css, dart, eml, go, h, hh, hpp,
  //   hxx, h++, hs, html, htm, shtml, shtm, xhtml, lhs, ini, java, js, json,
  //   ocaml, md, mkd, markdown, m, ml, mli, pl, pm, php, phtml, pht, py, pyw,
  //   rb, rbw, rs, rc, scala, sh, sql, tex, txt, text, tsv, vcard, vcs, wml,
  //   xml, xsl, xsd, yml, yaml.
  TEXT_FILE = 2;

  // Included file extensions:
  //   bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, jpe, png.
  // bytes_limit_per_file has no effect on image files.
  IMAGE = 3;

// Row key for identifying a record in BigQuery table.
message BigQueryKey {
  // Complete BigQuery table reference.
  BigQueryTable table_reference = 1;

  // Absolute number of the row from the beginning of the table at the time
  // of scanning.
  int64 row_number = 2;

// Record key for a finding in Cloud Datastore.
message DatastoreKey {
  // Datastore entity key.
  Key entity_key = 1;

// A unique identifier for a Datastore entity.
// If a key's partition ID or any of its path kinds or names are
// reserved/read-only, the key is reserved/read-only.
// A reserved/read-only key is forbidden in certain documented contexts.
message Key {
  // A (kind, ID/name) pair used to construct a key path.
  // If either name or ID is set, the element is complete.
  // If neither is set, the element is incomplete.
  message PathElement {
    // The kind of the entity.
    // A kind matching regex `__.*__` is reserved/read-only.
    // A kind must not contain more than 1500 bytes when UTF-8 encoded.
    // Cannot be `""`.
    string kind = 1;

    // The type of ID.
    oneof id_type {
      // The auto-allocated ID of the entity.
      // Never equal to zero. Values less than zero are discouraged and may not
      // be supported in the future.
      int64 id = 2;

      // The name of the entity.
      // A name matching regex `__.*__` is reserved/read-only.
      // A name must not be more than 1500 bytes when UTF-8 encoded.
      // Cannot be `""`.
      string name = 3;

  // Entities are partitioned into subsets, currently identified by a project
  // ID and namespace ID.
  // Queries are scoped to a single partition.
  PartitionId partition_id = 1;

  // The entity path.
  // An entity path consists of one or more elements composed of a kind and a
  // string or numerical identifier, which identify entities. The first
  // element identifies a _root entity_, the second element identifies
  // a _child_ of the root entity, the third element identifies a child of the
  // second entity, and so forth. The entities identified by all prefixes of
  // the path are called the element's _ancestors_.
  // A path can never be empty, and a path can have at most 100 elements.
  repeated PathElement path = 2;

// Message for a unique key indicating a record that contains a finding.
message RecordKey {
  oneof type {
    DatastoreKey datastore_key = 2;

    BigQueryKey big_query_key = 3;

  // Values of identifying columns in the given row. Order of values matches
  // the order of field identifiers specified in the scanning request.
  repeated string id_values = 5;

// Message defining the location of a BigQuery table. A table is uniquely
// identified  by its project_id, dataset_id, and table_name. Within a query
// a table is often referenced with a string in the format of:
// `<project_id>:<dataset_id>.<table_id>` or
// `<project_id>.<dataset_id>.<table_id>`.
message BigQueryTable {
  // The Google Cloud Platform project ID of the project containing the table.
  // If omitted, project ID is inferred from the API call.
  string project_id = 1;

  // Dataset ID of the table.
  string dataset_id = 2;

  // Name of the table.
  string table_id = 3;

// Message defining a field of a BigQuery table.
message BigQueryField {
  // Source table of the field.
  BigQueryTable table = 1;

  // Designated field in the BigQuery table.
  FieldId field = 2;

// An entity in a dataset is a field or set of fields that correspond to a
// single person. For example, in medical records the `EntityId` might be a
// patient identifier, or for financial records it might be an account
// identifier. This message is used when generalizations or analysis must take
// into account that multiple rows correspond to the same entity.
message EntityId {
  // Composite key indicating which field contains the entity identifier.
  FieldId field = 1;