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// Copyright 2018 The Grafeas Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package grafeas.v1beta1.vulnerability;
import "google/devtools/containeranalysis/v1beta1/common/common.proto";
import "google/devtools/containeranalysis/v1beta1/package/package.proto";
option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/containeranalysis/v1beta1/vulnerability;vulnerability";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.grafeas.v1beta1.vulnerability";
option objc_class_prefix = "GRA";
// Note provider-assigned severity/impact ranking.
enum Severity {
// Unknown.
// Minimal severity.
// Low severity.
LOW = 2;
// Medium severity.
// High severity.
HIGH = 4;
// Critical severity.
// Vulnerability provides metadata about a security vulnerability.
message Vulnerability {
// The CVSS score for this vulnerability.
float cvss_score = 1;
// Note provider assigned impact of the vulnerability.
Severity severity = 2;
// All information about the package to specifically identify this
// vulnerability. One entry per (version range and cpe_uri) the package
// vulnerability has manifested in.
repeated Detail details = 3;
// Identifies all occurrences of this vulnerability in the package for a
// specific distro/location. For example: glibc in
// cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux:8 for versions 2.1 - 2.2
message Detail {
// The cpe_uri in [cpe format] (https://cpe.mitre.org/specification/) in
// which the vulnerability manifests. Examples include distro or storage
// location for vulnerable jar.
string cpe_uri = 1;
// The name of the package where the vulnerability was found.
string package = 2;
// The min version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
grafeas.v1beta1.package.Version min_affected_version = 3;
// The max version of the package in which the vulnerability exists.
grafeas.v1beta1.package.Version max_affected_version = 4;
// The severity (eg: distro assigned severity) for this vulnerability.
string severity_name = 5;
// A vendor-specific description of this note.
string description = 6;
// The fix for this specific package version.
VulnerabilityLocation fixed_location = 7;
// The type of package; whether native or non native(ruby gems, node.js
// packages etc).
string package_type = 8;
// Whether this detail is obsolete. Occurrences are expected not to point to
// obsolete details.
bool is_obsolete = 9;
// Details of a vulnerability occurrence.
message Details {
// The type of package; whether native or non native(ruby gems, node.js
// packages etc)
string type = 1;
// Output only. The note provider assigned Severity of the vulnerability.
Severity severity = 2;
// Output only. The CVSS score of this vulnerability. CVSS score is on a
// scale of 0-10 where 0 indicates low severity and 10 indicates high
// severity.
float cvss_score = 3;
// The set of affected locations and their fixes (if available) within the
// associated resource.
repeated PackageIssue package_issue = 4;
// Output only. A one sentence description of this vulnerability.
string short_description = 5;
// Output only. A detailed description of this vulnerability.
string long_description = 6;
// Output only. URLs related to this vulnerability.
repeated grafeas.v1beta1.RelatedUrl related_urls = 7;
// This message wraps a location affected by a vulnerability and its
// associated fix (if one is available).
message PackageIssue {
// The location of the vulnerability.
VulnerabilityLocation affected_location = 1;
// The location of the available fix for vulnerability.
VulnerabilityLocation fixed_location = 2;
// The severity (e.g., distro assigned severity) for this vulnerability.
string severity_name = 3;
// The location of the vulnerability.
message VulnerabilityLocation {
// The cpe_uri in [cpe format] (https://cpe.mitre.org/specification/)
// format. Examples include distro or storage location for vulnerable jar.
string cpe_uri = 1;
// The package being described.
string package = 2;
// The version of the package being described.
grafeas.v1beta1.package.Version version = 3;