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6 years ago
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.devtools.clouddebugger.v2;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/devtools/clouddebugger/v2/data.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.Debugger.V2";
option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/clouddebugger/v2;clouddebugger";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "DebuggerProto";
option java_package = "com.google.devtools.clouddebugger.v2";
option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\Debugger\\V2";
// The Debugger service provides the API that allows users to collect run-time
// information from a running application, without stopping or slowing it down
// and without modifying its state. An application may include one or
// more replicated processes performing the same work.
// A debugged application is represented using the Debuggee concept. The
// Debugger service provides a way to query for available debuggees, but does
// not provide a way to create one. A debuggee is created using the Controller
// service, usually by running a debugger agent with the application.
// The Debugger service enables the client to set one or more Breakpoints on a
// Debuggee and collect the results of the set Breakpoints.
service Debugger2 {
// Sets the breakpoint to the debuggee.
rpc SetBreakpoint(SetBreakpointRequest) returns (SetBreakpointResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v2/debugger/debuggees/{debuggee_id}/breakpoints/set"
body: "breakpoint"
// Gets breakpoint information.
rpc GetBreakpoint(GetBreakpointRequest) returns (GetBreakpointResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v2/debugger/debuggees/{debuggee_id}/breakpoints/{breakpoint_id}"
// Deletes the breakpoint from the debuggee.
rpc DeleteBreakpoint(DeleteBreakpointRequest)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = {
delete: "/v2/debugger/debuggees/{debuggee_id}/breakpoints/{breakpoint_id}"
// Lists all breakpoints for the debuggee.
rpc ListBreakpoints(ListBreakpointsRequest)
returns (ListBreakpointsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v2/debugger/debuggees/{debuggee_id}/breakpoints"
// Lists all the debuggees that the user has access to.
rpc ListDebuggees(ListDebuggeesRequest) returns (ListDebuggeesResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v2/debugger/debuggees"
// Request to set a breakpoint
message SetBreakpointRequest {
// ID of the debuggee where the breakpoint is to be set.
string debuggee_id = 1;
// Breakpoint specification to set.
// The field `location` of the breakpoint must be set.
Breakpoint breakpoint = 2;
// The client version making the call.
// Schema: `domain/type/version` (e.g., `google.com/intellij/v1`).
string client_version = 4;
// Response for setting a breakpoint.
message SetBreakpointResponse {
// Breakpoint resource.
// The field `id` is guaranteed to be set (in addition to the echoed fileds).
Breakpoint breakpoint = 1;
// Request to get breakpoint information.
message GetBreakpointRequest {
// ID of the debuggee whose breakpoint to get.
string debuggee_id = 1;
// ID of the breakpoint to get.
string breakpoint_id = 2;
// The client version making the call.
// Schema: `domain/type/version` (e.g., `google.com/intellij/v1`).
string client_version = 4;
// Response for getting breakpoint information.
message GetBreakpointResponse {
// Complete breakpoint state.
// The fields `id` and `location` are guaranteed to be set.
Breakpoint breakpoint = 1;
// Request to delete a breakpoint.
message DeleteBreakpointRequest {
// ID of the debuggee whose breakpoint to delete.
string debuggee_id = 1;
// ID of the breakpoint to delete.
string breakpoint_id = 2;
// The client version making the call.
// Schema: `domain/type/version` (e.g., `google.com/intellij/v1`).
string client_version = 3;
// Request to list breakpoints.
message ListBreakpointsRequest {
// Wrapper message for `Breakpoint.Action`. Defines a filter on the action
// field of breakpoints.
message BreakpointActionValue {
// Only breakpoints with the specified action will pass the filter.
Breakpoint.Action value = 1;
// ID of the debuggee whose breakpoints to list.
string debuggee_id = 1;
// When set to `true`, the response includes the list of breakpoints set by
// any user. Otherwise, it includes only breakpoints set by the caller.
bool include_all_users = 2;
// When set to `true`, the response includes active and inactive
// breakpoints. Otherwise, it includes only active breakpoints.
bool include_inactive = 3;
// When set, the response includes only breakpoints with the specified action.
BreakpointActionValue action = 4;
// This field is deprecated. The following fields are always stripped out of
// the result: `stack_frames`, `evaluated_expressions` and `variable_table`.
bool strip_results = 5 [deprecated = true];
// A wait token that, if specified, blocks the call until the breakpoints
// list has changed, or a server selected timeout has expired. The value
// should be set from the last response. The error code
// `google.rpc.Code.ABORTED` (RPC) is returned on wait timeout, which
// should be called again with the same `wait_token`.
string wait_token = 6;
// The client version making the call.
// Schema: `domain/type/version` (e.g., `google.com/intellij/v1`).
string client_version = 8;
// Response for listing breakpoints.
message ListBreakpointsResponse {
// List of breakpoints matching the request.
// The fields `id` and `location` are guaranteed to be set on each breakpoint.
// The fields: `stack_frames`, `evaluated_expressions` and `variable_table`
// are cleared on each breakpoint regardless of its status.
repeated Breakpoint breakpoints = 1;
// A wait token that can be used in the next call to `list` (REST) or
// `ListBreakpoints` (RPC) to block until the list of breakpoints has changes.
string next_wait_token = 2;
// Request to list debuggees.
message ListDebuggeesRequest {
// Project number of a Google Cloud project whose debuggees to list.
string project = 2;
// When set to `true`, the result includes all debuggees. Otherwise, the
// result includes only debuggees that are active.
bool include_inactive = 3;
// The client version making the call.
// Schema: `domain/type/version` (e.g., `google.com/intellij/v1`).
string client_version = 4;
// Response for listing debuggees.
message ListDebuggeesResponse {
// List of debuggees accessible to the calling user.
// The fields `debuggee.id` and `description` are guaranteed to be set.
// The `description` field is a human readable field provided by agents and
// can be displayed to users.
repeated Debuggee debuggees = 1;