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package utils
type Uint128 struct {
H, L uint64
// (Adapted from go's math/big)
// z1<<64 + z0 = x*y
// Adapted from Warren, Hacker's Delight, p. 132.
func mul(x, y uint64) (z1, z0 uint64) {
z0 = x * y // lower 64 bits are easy
// break the multiplication into (x1 << 32 + x0)(y1 << 32 + y0)
// which is x1*y1 << 64 + (x0*y1 + x1*y0) << 32 + x0*y0
// so now we can do 64 bit multiplication and addition and
// shift the results into the right place
x0, x1 := x&0x00000000ffffffff, x>>32
y0, y1 := y&0x00000000ffffffff, y>>32
w0 := x0 * y0
t := x1*y0 + w0>>32
w1 := t & 0x00000000ffffffff
w2 := t >> 32
w1 += x0 * y1
z1 = x1*y1 + w2 + w1>>32
func (u Uint128) ShiftLeft(bits uint) Uint128 {
if bits >= 128 {
u.H = 0
u.L = 0
} else if bits >= 64 {
u.H = u.L << (bits - 64)
u.L = 0
} else {
u.H <<= bits
u.H |= u.L >> (64 - bits)
u.L <<= bits
return u
func (u Uint128) ShiftRight(bits uint) Uint128 {
if bits >= 128 {
u.H = 0
u.L = 0
} else if bits >= 64 {
u.L = u.H >> (bits - 64)
u.H = 0
} else {
u.L >>= bits
u.L |= u.H << (64 - bits)
u.H >>= bits
return u
func (u Uint128) And(y Uint128) Uint128 {
u.H &= y.H
u.L &= y.L
return u
func (u Uint128) Xor(y Uint128) Uint128 {
u.H ^= y.H
u.L ^= y.L
return u
func (u Uint128) Or(y Uint128) Uint128 {
u.H |= y.H
u.L |= y.L
return u
func (u Uint128) Add(addend Uint128) Uint128 {
origLow := u.L
u.L += addend.L
u.H += addend.H
if u.L < origLow { // wrapping occurred, so carry the 1
u.H += 1
return u
func (u Uint128) Mul(multiplier Uint128) Uint128 {
hl := u.H*multiplier.L + u.L*multiplier.H
u.H, u.L = mul(u.L, multiplier.L)
u.H += hl
return u